A Warning
Yesterday I posted a friendly reminder to drink water. While I still wholeheartedly believe you should really be drinking water, I had an incident today that indicates the water may not want to be drank.
My Mishap
So to set the scene, it is around noon. I just mixed up a bottle of flavored drink mix in my reusable water bottle I use explicitly for flavored drink mixes. Full disclosure, I do not wash this bottle nearly as often as I should, and I have had issues with mold in bottles from not washing them in the past. Also, on top of my wardrobe dresser is three cases of my roommates flavored water (this will come into play later).
So I drink my flavored water and fill my mouth with the last mouthful. Just before I swallowed I felt a tickle in the back of my throat like something was floating in the water. Of course my mind immediately thought there was a large chunk of mold in the water and my gag reflex immediately kicked in. I lunged for the trashcan to avoid getting flavored water and potential vomit on the floor. I leaned up against my wardrobe and began to spit out the water into the trash. Apparently one case of water was a little too precariously perched, as about 96 fluid ounces of water crashed into my head while I was trying not to puke into the trash can.
I got a little to angry and threw the case of water across the room and beat into my door pretty hard, but nothing was damaged. In my anger I forgot to take a picture of the scene of the crime so that's why this long blob of text is here. After this I was unable to think straight all day. I was convinced for a while I had some kind of mild concussion, but I'm pretty sure I was just over reacting as I feel fine now.
The Next Incident
After my 1:50 chem lecture, and after taking several pounds of bottled water to the head, I was quite hungry. My roommate and I decided to go to Blaze Pizza. Now, you might see the picture of the pizza above and think, "Wow, what a decent looking pizza. How exactly does this qualify as an incident?" Well, if I may, please look closely at the pizza. You may notice there is no cheese. I have nothing against cheese, in fact I think its a very important part of a pizza. However, for some reason when the woman who made my pizza asked me what kind of cheese I wanted, I panicked and said parmesan, and when you ask for parmesan cheese on your pizza, you get two pinches at the most.
Did I realize my mistake immediately?
Did I do anything about it?
To make matters worse, my roommate was standing right next to me, and he didn't say a single word. When we left with out pizzas he said, "You know, I was gonna say something to you about the cheese, but I decided not to."
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of a good friend. One who sees you in a situation, and thinks, "Hey, I should help," and then promptly does absolutely nothing to help.
Just another day in the life I guess.