The thing about information is that it can't be owned. Once something is out in the aether, there isn't really a property claim. Copying isn't theft. But profiting off someone else's work, especially without giving due credit, is still a lowlife thing.
"You can't pretend to be me" Fair enough. Providing a link to the source is only proper netiquette. Efforts to avoid content matching like mirroring video, shifting audio, and removing intros suggest dishonest intent.
"You can't edit my videos." This is a bit more of an issue. I would argue if someone clips out a relevant snippet of information to share, or creates a compilation of such short segments, and provides a link to your source, it should be fair game. My 2¢, anyway. I hope you don't mind the critique.
"You're taking liability for terms and conditions." This should be obvious. 100% fair, and it shouldn't even be an issue.