for an international retreat company that has inspired me to live my dreams awake
International Tribe Design is a social organization that has been facilitating building tribes of communicative, authentic, purpose driven, heart centered people for the last 2 years by bringing them together in an intimate setting for retreats that challenge them to step up into their greatness and speak out their truth unapologetically. If you don't like you job, quit. If you feel like saying something, say it. If you want to dance, dance. Be you. We believe that self-acceptance comes through self-expression.

Watch this short preview of our event experience.... (p.s. I EDITED THIS VIDEO ;)

This is one of our founders... Daniel Eisenman, you may recognize the name... He was popularized by a viral video called "OM Daddy" and is the author of a great read, Breaking Normal.

These are some shots of attendees at our last retreat in Glacier National Park, Montana USA from this last August.

These three amigos are known as the Mystic Misfits, a powerhouse of polarity, communication, embodiment, and athleticism. They lead their own retreats as well as are regularly featured at our retreats to lead exercises and workshops.

**Thanks so much for checking in! I'm excited to update you as the retreat gets closer and send some footage your way during and after! And if you want to join us, reach out! You can apply at InternationalTribeDesign.Com... Otherwise, just ride the inspiration and let it inspire you to be you, be your best, and be fulfilled in all you do <3

I hope you had a great time there:) seems like all of you had a lot of fun. I like projects like this. It is completly not what society wants so that is a good thing, I guess:)
Exactly ;) Breaking Normal ;)