I am a fan of crazy conspiracies as well, and the idea that homosexuality could be treated with a vaccine is sort of crazy. LOL.
I say live and let live. It's none of my business who you choose to love or be sexual with, you know.. just like be happy and live a good life. To be quite frank, there's so many other things that are much bigger issues in the world. Climate change pollution, quality of life... It's ridiculous that we spend so much energy down these paths. Just like love who you want.
With regards to the topic of do I think you could "cure" homosexuality. Humans are a pile of chemicals and chemical reactions, endorphins, strange impulses and so many other things we don't even understand yet. I do think that through regulating and changing chemical levels at different times, you could elicit more responses in people, and fundamentally change them, yes. I would imagine though it would be some sort of microchip in the brain however that turns on often receptors. Sounds like this might make a good twilight zone episode...
Interesting idea, Thanks for posting!
Yeah, but think about it. Science and genetics are advancing at a dizzying speed. New foods, new medicines. A vaccine like this wouldn't call it science fiction. But what I want to know is what effect it would have. Would you agree with it? Many governments and religions are sure to. And it would surely be total chaos over populations and human rights. What do you think?