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RE: How will the overwhelming discovery of extraterrestrial life affect our lives and beliefs?

in #life6 years ago

I am a relatively religious person. I believe in God. I like to question all thing I read or heard.

Faith is important. It's what believing that the girl you like the most will really want to go out with you or it's what makes you believe that things will work out no matter how difficult a situation is.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything ...

Are kids being manipulated to be good, only for them to make up their minds on whether they want to stay good or not when they hit puberty?

I don't see it as manipulation, I see it as teaching. After they have grown up, they will decide whether or not they agree with what they have learned. Anyway, the inquisitive nature of the human being always superimposes itself.

Besides, this generation has an advantage that had none in more than 2000 years: the Internet.

Sound like a good material for a future post