I so want to visit this place now! That's one of the most original ideas for a museum that I've seen. Imagine the ideas that you could get just from walking through and reading the notes about each exhibit. My favorites were the cat's name sign and the dog hamburger toy. Hmmm. I wonder if you can tell I have animals... :)
Thanks for a bittersweet, engaging post, @vesnapv!
And the postcard one was so sad. :(
Ha! Told you to look into Croatia a bit closer 😌
Feeling all giddy now, lol!
I haven't been at the Museum, myself. Pretty sure I'd be crying my eyes out the entire time.
Yeah, the writer inside you gets all excited and bursting with stroy ideas... but life tells the best stories. These objects are real. They come from real people. Real lives... Like @julimattos said
I agree.
The postcard story made my cry. That's why I left it as the last one.
Thanks for reading, @jaimi-sam!