I just read about the whole penny thing, I forget where. It was like "if you can't bother yourself to pick up a penny or nickel it shows you don't value money." Really finding money is proving you are a money magnet, so I've been picking up change recently whenever I see it, made like .50 so far"
Also in on manna, but I will check the others out.
💵 is 💰! I once watched a waitress I was working with separate all the pennies from her tips and then toss them into the garbage. I gave a funny lecture right on the spot, and she seemed convinced, but then I wondered how many times she had done the same thing. That’s probably the most absurd example I have! Thanks for the comment. Here’s to fostering our happy relationships with moolah :)
Lol, that's ridiculous! The best is when you find a 20 on the ground! Happened once when I was a kid, money just came to me back then, time to get back there.
My grandpa used to give me all the change in his car, he'd save up til I got there, it was like $20+ every time, that's how you save right there. Change adds up, nice post man