Which makes life impossible to grasp
The Tao is not about grasping, but allowing, like water.
-Wayne Dyer
No matter how hard we try, controlling life will elude us.
We can't even control how we change, we go through these events, learn things as we go, or begin to understand something in life and it changes us. There's no going back. It changes our values and our interactions, and it's scary as hell, because you are no longer known, you are no longer the old you. People you know, sometimes intimately, are no longer comfortable with you because you are different. At least for a period of time.
We come out the other side and our life has changed completely. We are different, and we attract different things to ourselves. Different people will come into our lives, different opportunities, different experiences. And it's like a total loss of control, like we have no say, we just have to embrace the change. I've tried to fight it in the past, it didn't work, I felt like I was fighting life itself.
A few years ago I was going about my business, then one day I tried pscilocybin mushrooms with a friend one day and it changed me overnight. Changed both of us... My values shifted, my purview shifted, and it literally altered every relationship I had. My habits changed, my interests changed, and my goals changed. The whole experience sent me in a tailspin, one that I had to embrace because I couldn't forget what I experienced. I lost people in my life who had been very close to me.
I fought this change in circumstance as long as I could, which ended up being way to long. I made a ton of mistakes because I was so sure I could change things back, that I could basically go back in time as an improved version of the old me. And at the end of it, I realized I was way off. That the circumstances had actually changed to support me and help me keep growing. I thought to myself "why did I fight so hard? Why didn't I just listen to the signs? Why did I fuck this up so bad?"
That fuck up was the biggest learning experience I've ever had, the one that showed me that life is always changing, that we can't go backwards, only forward, always forward. And always forgive, yourself too.
Flowing From the Past
I went to my 10 year reunion a few years ago, and people looked at me like I was a different person.
In high school I wasn't happy about who I was, so I started down the self improvement path. Most of my close friends have never commented on it because they were always around me while I changed. Ten years of making changes will change you haha, I didn't even realize how different I was!
I looked around and noticed how much everyone else had changed too. People had kids, were married, some didn't make it because they were off living new lives, and some actually stayed pretty much the same.
Sometimes these changes take time, sometimes we change ourselves over years, and sometimes we change in the blink of an eye, in a single sentence, in one visit to the art museum, in a single day to ourselves in nature, in one clear seeing of where we are and what we have allowed our life to become.
Sometimes we delay the change putting it off until it's unbearable. Like staying in a job until you literally can't anymore, you get fired or fed up. Like staying in the same town until you realize you're stagnating. Like never changing your habits.
My point with these two stories is that change happens, whether we want it to or not, and whether we notice or acknowledge it or not. The sooner we embrace change, the sooner we can find our groove. Life is a flow we should learn to swim in. If we keep swimming against it, fighting the current, we subject ourselves to more friction in our lives.
Stop fighting the current...
Much Love,
Hey jakeybrown
You're especially correct about life being like a groove that we have to get on... Everything in this world emanates from sound, including our patterns of behavior and activity, our thoughts, our experiences, everything..
It's all groove and learning to go with the flow... To me it's almost unbelievable how in synch we all are... When we're doing well, so are huge swathes of the planet. When we're having a hard time, so are huge swathes of the planet... We all synchronize and syncopate with those in and around all of us.
You're so correct about embracing change... And so correct about some changes taking long periods of time...
I'm often one to receive messages saying "Change is coming, change is coming"... 6 months down the line I'm like "Really?"
And no sooner am I putting the whole thing into question that the news finally arrives: "Shit changed and there's no going back."
It's an amazing process... So frickin' exciting.
Thanks for post my friend xx
It's funny how after we let go of our expectations, that's when things really change for us. It's like we are expecting certain change and once we drop it real change hits us.
You're very welcome
Awesome ! I totally agree. Well said. ;)
Good points and very insightful, I’d write more but don’t want to try on my phone, takes too long. Sufficient to say, we certainly noticed the changes, at least after you moved to Missoula.
Ya, Missoula has been really good for me, it has everything I like in a town and had some people around who helped me learn more about me, really I just was more outgoing here.
Yeah it seems like it, glad you are thriving there, was clear you weren’t in Great Falls.
What gets me the most is how self destructive people can be, towards themselves. If any of us went back in time, we would then be doing harm to others as well. Learning is a life long task with enough time for us to achieve an understanding.
Well said, we shouldn't be wishing to go back in time because we needed those experiences to learn and grow. It's just that in hindsight we see our error and some of us form regrets instead of taking the experience for what it was, learning.
Thanks for the comment, well said
We resist change...it seems to be a human trait.
What is odd, if you go deep enough, there really is no change since consciousness is ever present and nature works in cycles. We go round and round believing something is new when it is nothing more than a slant on the new.
It is how we process it that makes the difference. When we ignore the sychronistic events around us, we tend to be blind to what is going on. However, when we tune in, we realize it is all occurring in one big field of consciousness.
I was just reading about the Hopi language and how they don't really have words that reference time as a line and rather use terms that reference cycles.
It's really fascinating how this works, the observer effect is much more powerful than it seems, we get so much more out of life when we pay attention
I can relate to some of that. I wish I would have listened to my inner voice earlier instead of trying to stay connected to and "impress" people who I was friends with, family I loved and respected etc.., but were not on the same vibe as me.
I think quite a few people wish that, I know I do, but I also know the journey where I wait and wait and wait until I can't take it anymore teaches me great lessons. I just have to suffer through what isn't true to me. That's all haha ;)
The world is much more "Wiggly" than we think!
So wiggly! Alan Watts, ya?
Yup! He is awesome! Thanks to @rarebooksleuth!
Great words of encouragement and motivation, change is actually the only thing that is constant in life. We must accept it always
Thanks @obest, you're right, we can't argue with it
Great message/reminder! Thanks :)
I suppose you too are on the quest to not becoming corrupt! These are the stories worth sharing! So thank you, and leave a link with erh.germany if you like.