So, last week I got into an accident. I was driving back into Atlanta to pick up a friend from work when a lady in a Dodge SUV swerved across three lanes and smashed into the side of my car. I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, but because there were no broken bones or internal bleeding, I was let go.

I have finally seen an actual doctor about it, and am now in physical therapy.
The reason I am posting this article is simple. I need some help.
I hate asking for help, it's not the type of person I am. I just deal with my shit and move on, but this has really put me in a world of hurt... both literally and figuratively.
I describe the amount of help needed on my GoFundMe page.
Thanks for checking out the article, and even if you can't help I understand!
I hope you get better soon
Damn! Glad you are safe. More power to you!
Thanks! Yea, that's what matters the most.
Pay dY for many is next week. You are in my prayers. Stay safe in Jesus name.
Thanks! Appreciate the kind words!