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RE: Screw all the labels! Who I REALLY am can't be Contained in a Bumper Sticker.

in #life7 years ago

Such a beautiful piece. LOVE IT. There were a few things that I really really liked from it

  • My 'working answers' are still on going
    This this this... This all day. Many times I find it hard to adequately explain this to people. I've literally been called out on this by significant others in the past with passive aggressive statements such as "Well, yea, this is what you believe today"..... Ummmmm... And? Life around us evolves, it moves, it's circular but linear, linear but circular, it's full of so many mind blowing things. I think life would be a truly truly truly depressing place if the thoughts and beliefs I hold now will be the same ones I have and hold forever. The opposite of growth is stagnation. Even water, the very essence of life, when stagnant becomes putrid and potentially death to any who drinks of it. Love this, really hit home.

  • The picture in the middle with the quote
    This reminded me of Allegory of the cave by Plato, and really is a continuation of the idea of evolution, growth, etc. being necessary to life. Loved this.

  • I finally realized it wasn't me that was lacking, the labels were
    So much truth in this post. I've always had issues with labels. The thing about labels, any and all, is they lack nuance. Even more than that though, they are just words. Life, consciousness, etc. These things are unknowable. We experience these things, but it is impossible to peg them down. We can make allegories, stories, parables, etc. BUT at the end of the day all of these words pale in comparison to the magnificence that underlies all of it. When we try to label, or define, that which lacks definition, we will always get ignorance. Loveeee love love this post so much.

  • A good person is a good person, regardless of label of faith
    This is probably the largest issue I have with my significant other at the moment. Not necessarily the faith part, but any group or tribal identity. So many people, especially those in college now or just getting out, are so caught up in these identity politics that they lose sight of this exact message. Just because someone doesn't identify with you, or doesn't believe the same things, doesn't share the same political viewpoint, etc. That doesn't make them a bad person. We have to allow space for more nuanced ideas and beliefs and stop clumping everything into a black and white, left or right paradigm. It's not beneficial in any way.

  • Now when asked "What religion I am,"
    My favorite thing to do is to return the question, or if I already know their religion is to say that I am also a member of that religion. I have studied enough about practically all religious faiths, as it seems you have, to understand that practically none of them exclude anybody. Even Christianity, Jesus says "For everyone who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven, the same is my brother and my sister and my mother.”... Which makes it clear, that whoever does the will of the father, which we are ALL made in "his" image, which is the spirit, is a true follower and family of Christ. Hence, I am a Christian because I follow my spirit, my path, etc. The same can be said of practically all religions.

Anyway, I absolutely loved your article... Sorry for the book I just wrote, lmao, but it just really had me thinking a lot and reallllyyy digging into my thoughts. Loved it. Thank you so much!