Open letter to the world, We NEED TO WAKE UP!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

At the moment the world is ridiculous, so much hate, greed, anger, racism, almost as if its a joke.

Immigration is false, you live on a piece of land with a line drawn on a map from 300 years ago, you do not own "your" country, you do not owe anything to country, if you think that things have changed and you have lost your jobs because of immigration you are being played and manipulated like you would manipulate a child into eating his vegetables.

Your parents and grandparents also struggled their entire lives, they never once had job security, your grandparents were carted off to die in wars they had no idea about, had no reason to fight for and were used like cannon fodder.

You are genuinely a good person who has been so f*$ked by the system that you blame others for your pain, all your prejudices, racism, poverty and anger has been programmed into you by the bullshit media that you watch on tv, media around the world that is a template, programmed, playing the exact same idol or cooking show in different languages at the same prime-times and so called "news" creating disharmony and separating you, the same as everyone in the world, facebook, instagram everynight feeding you lines for you to repeat to the others.

WAKE UP realize that you are being used, realize that your poverty is everyone's poverty, the girls you see on instagram posting photos of their bodies are being manipulated to act like hookers and even the most beautiful of them are miserable and crying on the inside, living in poverty and pain, believing that if they hook up with wealthy men and shown financial wealth then they are worth something.

You are a human being, creation in a meat sack, the most advanced and powerful machine to have ever walked the earth, all of you are more advanced then the best robotic piece of machinery that boston dynamics could ever create.

Yes, you, crying on the inside, worrying about your finances this week to purchase food or pay for rent, you are the most advanced creation that has ever walked the earth, stop staring at screens or looking with envy at some old child in his large yacht who is drowning his sorrows in alcohol and paying hookers to feel some kind of humanity.

You were made to be so much more, live your potential. All you need in life is to spend time with your family, go out in nature, create something everyday that you enjoy creating, whether it is blogging, art, music, gaming videos, engineering drawings, sports, any of the millions of things that we amazing HUMAN BEINGS are capable of creating.

Watch carefully and curate your thoughts, you are the most powerful thing that has ever been created and to have walked this earth, yet you let such a powerful being think thoughts of lack, of pain, of suffering, of anger, thinking thoughts of poverty worrying about $4 egg prices or the cost of food. Curate your thoughts, think the things that you want to have happen in your life, of happiness, friendship, love, helpfulness, joy, fun. Every thought you have is a prayer of creation, of god if your religious, of the earth if your a pagan, of Allah if your Muslim, of Jesus if your christian, treat every thought as carefully as if you were wishing a prayer out into the world.

ENJOY LIFE, call your friends and have a conversation with them, the conversation consisting of a time and place too meet like you used to do as a child, go to the beach, talk to random strangers that you see, ask them how their day is, what their passions are, don't walk past other amazing beings of creation with your eyes down, worried about what to say while acting as if you are not phased, staring at your phone, strike up a conversation with everyone you meet.

STOP Wars, if you hear anyone talking about war tell them they are a f&*$Kn idiot, would you like someone to kill you based on some bullsh&t justification they saw some pinprick of a human in a suit say on TV, you wouldn't want anyone to harm your children or your house? so how could you ever wish it on a fellow human being.

Realize you have been controlled since birth to be in pain, to have a negative mindset of lack and emptiness, to ignore and seclude yourself from others.

Do not waste your money on materialistic garbage that won't come with you when you die and will get covered with dust on a mantel, haven't you viewed your grandparents amass fortune and things to gather dust? did it matter to them when they had Alzheimer's and were frail and dying? all they cared about was a simple conversation with you or a game of cards.

Spend time in nature
Spend time with loved ones
Make friends with everyone you meet
Help people who are less fortunate then you
Don't waste your money on short term isolating games and materialistic things
Spend your money on adventures with friends and family
Have Bbqs with a group of mates and strangers, shout a beer
Love every living thing around you and everyone