Mr. @meesterboom I read your story, and it reminds me of an experience some years ago with a boss who had his eye on me to please him in other intimate things until he proposed to me more work, another position, and more money... I was stunned, and after that, I had to ask for a change to another management ...until one day I found out that he had been fired for being a harasser.
You get them absolutely everywhere. I think my current boss is like that with women. Hence our team has hardly any of them!
I shall be on alert! :0)
Thanks, it is good to be alert to threats and sometimes, in order to take care of your job, you don't say anything until the limits are exceeded.
And if the warnings go unheeded you can unleash the iron fist!
Yessssssssss with sharp hooks
Help!! hehe
jajajaja on my way 👊
Lolm thats the stuff. They are all doomed!