The arrival is an american science fiction film made in 2016, the plot of the movie is that 12 extraterrestrial spaceships arrive at the earth, and the two main characters Louise Banks a linguist and Ian Donnelly a physicist have the mission of establishing some kind of communication between humans and aliens.
In order to advance in their mission they go inside a spaceship where they can see the aliens whom may be similar to an octopus because of their appearance, at the first they try understanding their oral language but they find it to difficult, so instead of that they try with written language, after some weeks the real understanding between the two species begins and humans start making questions, mainly asking why are they here and the response frightens some countries in the world so the chinese army general decides to attack the spaceships. Before he can do that Louise Banks discovers the real purpose of the aliens (give humans the hability to see in the future and in exchange they want humans to help them in the future), then she makes a phone call to the chinese general and convinces him of not attacking.
I would really reccomend everyone who likes science fiction movies to watch it because it makes you think about how we could communicate with aliens when we can't even understand some languages in the earth.
I really liked this film!
It is one of my favourites