Six months ago he came home; my neighbor decided it was too much work to take care of him and practically through him away. I really didn’t want another dog but, he was so small and he was in danger of being run over by a car.
I talked to my neighbor and asked him if he had any problem that I took care of this small dog from now on and He had not trouble at all, he even offered me his toys, leash. My neighbor told me a little bit about Terrie, that’s his name and he is a two year old Yorkshire terrier.
(this is from his first day in his new home)
Right away, I took him to the vet because he had a bite wound on his neck a byproduct of being alone on the streets for some days. My vet told me he was seriously underweight, just 2 pounds, he needed treatments for a lung affection he was having and obviously antibiotics for the neck wound.
He was down for a week, but when he recovered he was full of energy. I never own a small dog before, but let me tell you it can be exhausting.
Terrie’s little quirks
- He loves socks, he stole all my socks from my laundry baskets and I still trying to find where he hid them.
- He wants to play all day long, he finds me where ever I am at home and bring me his toy of the week for playing.
- Yes, he has a TOY OF THE WEEK. Every single week, he has a new toy for playing thanks to my sister in law @anyisol.
- He puts everything he found on the floor inside his snout and he does that because he likes that I chase after him to take away whatever he has.
- He is an attention ho. Jejeje yes he is. He likes to pose when I’m taking his picture
- He believes he is a 100 pound Rottweiler
Really he is a big dog in a small body; he has a lot of personality and he is fun to be around. After 6 month of being with me he is getting fat and he spends his day playing with my other dog Susie
dog ta to valo laglo onek amar kache.
The best age to bring a puppy home is 8 to 12 weeks.
yes, I agree, but I could not resist his cute face