lol! Even if you were rich? That's funny! Hey that would be better than walking, you do alot of that don't you?
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lol! Even if you were rich? That's funny! Hey that would be better than walking, you do alot of that don't you?
It's my experience that the more people have, the less likely they are to want to part with any of it.
A friend of mine used to work for Irish telecom fitting phones in houses. If he was working on the north side of the city (poor) he's be lucky to get out without at least his breakfast, dinner and tea as well as the price of a pint. If he was southside (well to do) they'd follow him around making sure he didn't nick anything but they'd never ask him had he a mouth on him atall.
Ha! yes that sounds about right. It's very true, some of the richest people are the biggest tightwads in the world! Let's get rich and bust that stereotype.