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RE: Free Armadilloman Wallet from Papa-pepper!

in #life7 years ago

well...I don't know what to say because everything you've said makes perfect sense and is well written, better than most I'd say so if you are handicapped in some way it doesn't show from what I can see.

I didn't know that Zuckerberg was the Grandson of Soros and I didn't know that youtube was owned by Soros. good riddance to YT then.
I hope Steemit stays free and open to whatever people want to put on here.
I don't know what this means: "a nihilistic misanthropist" what's your interpretation? those are some big words for a redneck!(me)

I think you're gonna do fantastic here and it will be fun to watch your rise.
when you get to be a whale just remember who your friends are. lol.

I'll go check out that video tonight sometime.
do you have a regular job?
how do you have income if I can ask?
I'm semi-retired but was looking for a way to make money
at home when I found Steemit but I'm still looking because
this looks like a long haul with no income for a year or so.


Hey I just now saw and read this comment. HA HA it is hard to keep up! Nihilistic misnthropist just means that I believe in nothing and hate humanity. Harsh words I know but you cant get through to some people and it frustrates you to the point that you want to become a mass shooter for the most part.

Zuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller not Soro's. You are getting them mixed up. Look up the name Jacob Greenberg when you get a chance. It is Zuckerberg's real name. Not much difference anyways LOL. Youtube isn't owned by Soro's, he is just influencing youtube because he has so much money and power to do so.

I get my clothes usually from thrift stores like Goodwill. I have another pair of pants that I tie dyed myself. The tie dyed thigh high socks I was wearing in the video I got from a store in Portland that only sold socks. I have many hats. My signature rainbow hat I found at a party store like 8 years ago. In fact, I need to make a post of just my hat showing off all my hat pins I've collected over the years.

I do not have a regular job. I refuse to slave for Corporate Fascist America. I'm actually on disability. Took me 2 years to get, a yeah and a half of which was spent homeless living in a van before I moved to Arkansas last year. I'm autistic. I have a mild to moderate form of Tourette's syndrome. I have "tics." I hide it real well and unless you interacted with me on a daily basis you would never know that I had the disorder. I plan on making a gun video calling it, "guns and Tourette's." I want to talk about what it is like supressing tics so I can concentrate on firing a gun.

lol, that strikes me as bizarre.
do you really believe in nothing and hate humanity?
that sounds a little depressing man. but hey that was before
Steemit right? now you see things a little more optomistically
correct? at least a little?
are you married? because in that one post about the bird you
were waiting for someone to get back with a camera.howdy again @hippie-witha-gun! thanks so much for the information. hey if you were going to change your name would you change it to Zuckerberg??

hey the hat pins would be a very interesting post.

I'm as radical as they come Jonboy.
It isn't so much humanity I hate, it is the willfully ignorant. The "shitizens," or "sheeple." The peon masses that willfully go along with lawless tyranny like cattle. You mean to tell me you are going to make a conscious decision to give up your guns, allow forced vaccines on your children, and support these sick satanist pedophiles that hold office!? Good, DIE! You people are the criminals. This is why as an activist I am not a cop watcher.
I'm done trying to wake people up. Mark Twain said it best, "It's easier to fool somebody then it is to convince someone that they are being fooled." The founders of our country would be shooting by now. Statism, the belief that we require permission to be free. This is why I want to protest the 4th of July. To bring awareness to these facts. America is the dumbest most enslaved nation in the entire world. We are free, just as long as we do what we are told. Freedom in this country should be spelled freeDUMB. And I can go on and on HA HA.
I've been treated so badly by society I don't trust anybody anymore. The more you speak the truth, the shittier people treat you. No compassion whatsoever anymore from people. At least that was my experience in the 5 years I wasted living on the west coast. Forgive me but I suffer from a little PTSD from my bad experiences living out there.
I do love Steemit. All my kind of people like yourself are here HA HA. Steemit truly is a gift from the universe. So yes you are right, thanks to Steemit things in my life are getting better :-). I can talk shit all I want to about society and you people are right here with me. Lots of like minded people here and that is the only people I wish to associate myself with anymore. I'm all about going off grid and learning to be self sufficient these days. Eventually I do plan on getting off the disability. I'm just not ready yet. I've still got lots of help I still need to get to where I need to be in order to get off it.
As far as beliefs go, I'm one of these Sovereign free man on the land types. I don't believe in any traditions or religions. I'm trying to get away from believing in the calendar and days of the week too. I don't celebrate holidays anymore including my birthday. Yeah they exist but as far as I am concerned they are all hear say. So today I make up my own holidays to celebrate. Be here now! There is no past, or future, only now, this moment, eternity. Having this level of awareness is truly a gift they say. Which is why they call it "the present." If I am here, and this world truly does exist, then I am my own god having a human experience like everyone else. My full name is Theophilus. So I call my divine, or higher self, Arch Angel Theophilus. God to me is the universe and nature. I claim the world as my country and I have the World Passport to prove it. The only law I know and abide by is natural law. Not whatever this lawless tyrannical corporate fascist government says it is. Do no harm but stand your ground. Food, water, shelter, transportation, are basic human rights NOT commodities. Ever wonder why humans are the only species on this planet that has to pay money to live here? For an intelligent design man isn't very intelligent is he? Long story short, I'm just another awakened soul walking and talking speaking the truth. It's why I call my political party I started the TRUTH Party.
I've met Jesus you know? Here is a picture of us hanging out at PRIDE a few years ago HA HA.
Jesus and I.jpg

And yes I am married. I have a Common Law marriage with my wife. Soon I plan on tattooing her name around my finger. That is how committed to her I am. Can't take that ring off HA HA!
We are expecting our first baby in September. My wife had a miscarriage a couple years ago with her ex husband before I came along. A baby born after a miscarriage is known as a rainbow baby. Which is ironic being me. I will really be having me a rainbow baby! HA HA
And I don't believe in accidents anymore.