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RE: Skyminer completed :)

in #life6 years ago

Howdy sir lauvlad89! that looks amazing but I know nothing about technology. What coins can you mine with that? I always heard it was very expensive to mine things like Bitcoin.


Howdy :)! I am personally very new and rookie into crypto tech but what I find special with Skyminer is that one can mine Skycoin directly from home in comparison with Bitcoin when one needs a whole storage or a facility with computers and mining equipment.

Skyminer makes it very easy and practical thanks its nodes system. Basically, the idea is to go beyond BTC and ETH when it comes to decentralization. You can read more info here ;)

Howdy again sir lauvlad89! Thanks for that link, I haven't heard of Skycoin so this is something to research, thank you!

Howdy :) I am hoping to come to Texas at some point. Skycoin is awesome and motivates me to learn more about crypto in general.