
Unrelated stuff, but he really does have those connections.

the more I think about it with all the stupid crap that's on tv
reality shows and then to see papa-pepper and what he does??
no comparison!that is such a great idea @mepatriot you know...

I agree. Maybe if you suggest it to him...? I think maybe he thinks I'm some kind of shyster just looking for upvotes or something....

oh I doubt he thinks that about you man..I think he's just so focused on Steemit
and building his homestead that he feels he can't possibly do anymore.
I don't know when the man sleeps, I've seen comments from him after 1 am.
he's still young ;;;he can do that.
oh man, last night i fell asleep at my desk and woke up when I hit the floor!
first time ever in my life. I've fallen asleep many times but with my head down
on my desk, this time I fell off the chair to the side and landed on my hands and
knees! lol!

You might be a redneck if...You fall asleep at your desk trying to keep other rednecks entertained...


Jon, you need to maybe lighten up a tad. We COULD wake up tomorrow and the internet could be down, or Steemit could disappear...Don't put THAT much into it.

lol! that's a good one.

yeah I've been trying to spare time for other things, yesterday after church I spent all afternoon working on the property and didn't get onto Steemit until late at night. well I took an hour to do a post but nothing else.
so yes I don't know if it's worth it so we are looking at other programs also but haven't found anything.
I love the concept of Karatbars but man it's so hard to do mlm even if the concept is a great one.

I hear ya. Keep lots of irons in the fire, and one will be bound to get hot.

maybe he thinks I'm some kind of shyster just looking for upvotes or something....

LOL - Not at all man. That would just be a big step... and I'm not completely convinced that it would be the right direction for us right now. I'm considering a lot of potential options right now though, so thanks for the suggestion.

lol...didn't think you'd see that comment, pp! It's all good

Let me know if you change your mind. Glad to help if I can...