I hope those declining numbers are accurate so the economy can start opening back up over there. I think most people are willing to take a chance on getting the virus if they can get back with their lives.
The numbers in Texas are very good in the high population areas but where we live they are very low so I think in a few weeks people will all be back to work. We live in the country so personally we haven't been affected by it, I'm outside working everyday.
Bigfoot are social distancing world champions!
I hope you're right and that things will soon be back to at least semi normal around the whole planet. I always try to stick to hoping for the best but planning for the worst case scenario in all things, so whichever way this goes I hope to roll with the punches and survive.
I envy you working in the countryside my friend but its good that this isn't getting to you. I think for a lot of people globally this virus has made the idea of owning a couple of acres at minimum to support food off seem a necessity and not just a pipe dream.
I hear you on the Bigfoot thing but it may not all be good news for the big fella. On the flipside there's a theory I've heard before on why Bigfoot sightings have been on the increase in the last few decades. A researcher put forward the idea that the 1775-1782 smallpox epidemic in America may also have effected the Sasquatch population and that they have only recently recovered in numbers. Who knows if Covid-19 may be just as deadly or even more so to Bigfoot?
Howdy again sir skunkape30uk! Very interesting thoughts on the Bigfoot situation. Very well could be I'm sure.
I heard that any homes for sale in the country are being snapped up in record time over here.
no idea if its true, but its an interesting theory to knock around.
That make sense with the housing market as it is. I think we'll have a possible surge of people buying properties with better locations for survival, defence and bugging out to and then the property market bubble is going to burst in a way which will make 2008 seem like a good year.
You are talking about the real estate market over there being in a huge bubble, I thought maybe it was just us! That's going to be painful but something that has to happen sooner or later I reckon!
Sadly all this shit show is global my friend. You're right we couldn't go on robbing Peter to pay Paul for ever. I think the next decade is going to be very interesting and have a major impact upon the history of mankind. I always wanted to live in historic times, I just forgot that it wouldn't be anywhere near as romanatcised as Iimagined.
Howdy today sir skunkape30uk! I agree. I suppose that living in the UK or the U.S. are probably the best places to weather the coming chaos. I hope. lol.
The U.S would be a better place if things truly went south. Your nation still has a constitution which places value on personal liberties and freedoms and a people whose ancestors decided not to be slaves. The UK is a nation where freedom is simply an illusion, we have never had the right to free speech and our charters of rights such as the Magna Carta were only ever drawn up with the wealthy and privileged in mind. Not to be too cynical but I already live in a police state, hell I can't even carry a knife, and we have people going to prison for being 'mean' to other people on the internet. The British Empire fell and ever since the sixties we've been on borrowed time. I hope I'm wrong but I'd much rather be holed up in the Appalachians or the like right now.