Howdy sir skunkape30uk! Totally fine to be late on replies, I'm just thankful when someone does reply no matter when. lol.
That policy on hate crimes is really scary indeed. The U.S. is going down the same road although at a slower pace. I hope it never gets to that point but it might.
I haven't heard any news about the virus and the UK for awhile, how are the numbers looking? Are you guys getting back to normal?
No worries then mate. Hope you're having a good day today whatever you get up to.
Things are going alright in the UK I guess, in all honesty I don't know who to believe anymore. One minute we're 'over the worst of it' and planning to ease up on the lockdown and then the next day we're being told the complete opposite. I'm hoping for the the best but planning for the worst and really don't know the truth of the situation. All I can say is its going to be a very interesting decade methinks.
I agree sir skunkape30uk. Is the government over there sending bail-out checks to everyone?
Hey Mate. Not to everyone no, but 50% of our workforce is receiving state aid now. All these grim headlines got me thinking about how little I really understood and I've just ended up writing a post on it sir. The future is looking grim over here in the land of bad teeth and cups of tea.
I'm sorry to hear that sir skunkape30uk. About the grim looking future. I also didn't know that it was the land of bad teeth. Is that for real?
I'm glad you posted, I'll go check it out!
Its a stereotype of the British, think of any cartoons you see of British people and they'll normally have buck or uneven teeth. We have NHS dentists but their main aim is to prevent decay and pain at a reasonable cost for all. It costs a fair bit of money to whiten and straighten your teeth, so many people don't have the option. Post WWI & WWII we lost a large amount of our nations men, this lead to a weaker and reduced gene pool and sadly bad teeth.
Howdy sir skunkape30uk! I knew about the tremendous losses in the big wars but didn't think about it weakening the gene pool, very interesting and sad indeed!