howdy sir witty-waiter! I guess I'm obviously not an empath because I've never noticed any differences in people and I myself am like a monotone when it comes to mood, it never changes. always up.
But in your profession what a blessing to be able to sense their moods like that!
I've always been super sensitive to people's moods. It's actually a good thing because if the moon is involved then I know it's just temporary and I can lay low until it passes.How are you doing @janton? It's been a few days since we chatted. Hope you're not causing too much trouble. LoL. I think I talked @ginnyannette from throwing pillows at your head.
howdy back sir witty-waiter! I know I miss talking to you more often but even on steemit we all get so busy and spread thin but I guess it's a good way to grow our accounts.
Yes I'm glad the moon thing is fading away, I would say that you need to be able to read people's mood but you already have that ability so you don't need the moon to make it even stronger!
I don't know how rare your gift is but I assume that it's pretty rare. In fact, have you ever even met someone who is similar in empathic abilities?
that could be a post subject perhaps because besides most women who are highly intuitive I don't really know any strong empaths.
but regarding harass her all the time but she always has the last word and finishes me off!
I know what you mean. We put so much effort into creating posts that we forget to visit and look for each other's posts. They really need a chat room on here. I'm not a fan of discord channels. It's difficult to figure out for me.
I like ginny, she's a hoot
sir witty-waiter! yeah the discord channel is confusing to me also and I use it everyday! but I still hit the wrong thing and get lost.
have you checked out steemit's chatroom?
I haven't used it but I hear quite a few people mention it.
I'd say @janton has been relatively tame lately. It's a little suspicious. He may have the opposite reaction to the full moon as most people.
He could be a zombie. Have you checked his pulse?
If he's a zombie I'm keeping at least two states between us.
He's mentioned that his Mrs. is on here as well, maybe she can poke him with a stick