Well to start off, the first word that comes to mind is balance. However, the word I'd like to emphasize on today is strength. Sure balance is important, very important actually. We all know what happens to things that become unbalanced. As for this discussion however, I would like to focus on the cultivation of the strength that helps lead to being more balanced. Which in turn leads to more strength, see where I'm going with this?
It is said the triangle/pyramid is the strongest shape as long as the foundation is strong. This brings into mind the "trinity". Let me put these words in another context to help with my point. How about using words like Mental, Physical, and Non-Physical or Knowledge, Movement, and Meditation or how about Thought, Action and Will. Working on these 3 principles to strengthen them so they can become an unmovable foundation for you that will remain balanced when faced with adversity.
The reason I want to focus on strength is because sometimes I feel in order to balance ourselves "out" per say, at least I know I tend to do this is, we throttle back one of these big 3. When what I think we should be doing is strengthening the weakest of these, to the level of the other(s) to achieve balance. Which is at most times obvious, but not always easy to follow through with. This is the battle then of participation vs procrastination. If the saying is true, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, it is obvious then that is what we should be doing if we are to remain whole and unbroken.
Of course this will be better accomplished through mindfulness, because it is through an unconscious mindset I feel is what has us going in the other direction of lowering our standards. Just a quick point I wanted to make about a common mistake I think a lot of us are making that halts our progress from becoming the best versions of ourselves.
Thank you for taking the time to view my post, please leave a comment, your advice, your opinion or just to say hi. Also you can follow me @jaredlang
May we all find what we are looking for - theseeker
Thanks to anybody who even looked at this post! My apologies. I had one going for sure.