A few weeks ago, I feel so depressed, and anxiety attacked me so bad. Then, I found this book. The cover was stripped because it is too old. I was curious about what this book is all about, so I started reading it. Whenever I read and digest it, I feel so refreshed and enlightened.
When you’re feeling down, the one thing you should avoid is social media, because it is the top negative thought producer. Don't waste your time scrolling an endless newsfeed and feel depressed afterward. Find something that will inspire you, whether it’s a book, a quotation, a vlog/blog. Because God will send you something that will help you, something that will lift you up, and something that will cheer you up.
We must appreciate every little thing, whether it is too old or too small. Because there is something marvelous inside them. They were created by God, and He didn't make worthless things.
This blog post was written on October 10, 2016.
The image was captured and edited by the author.