Pick up cell phone quickly and say, “Call you back after 9”… hang up. (More like 1999 for me)
“I need to use the pay phone / Where is the pay phone to call my parents to come pick me up”… after movies. (Cost 25 cents to make the call)

“My CD just skipped and I am running out of batteries”… (anti-skip kills batteries).
“I just ran out of time on my internet” “DAD, I am on the internet” (you cannot use the phone if the internet dial up modem was hooked to the same line)

What are some memories you had?
Physically going to your friend's house to play video games together.
Connecting multiple Xbox to the same network so you can have a LAN party (all controllers are still wired).
Going to a place called the "X Zone" with your friends to play computer games on a LAN and get uber low ping!
Road trips with a gameboy!
I really loved me some lan games
Downing these babies while playing Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, or Metal Gear on the first Playstation. I'm so stoked Coke decided to bring back Surge!
Nice. Didn't know they were brining it back. Cheers!
They did, thanks for the effort of fellow nerdstars such a YTCracker:
Yesss. Where are the slammers.haha