What does it even mean to be 'too honest'? You are either honest or a dishonest person.

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Of course, I know it's not easy been honest and all especially in our society today where we view honest person as someone who is not 'sharp' (smart) but what if everyone of us becomes dishonest, what will become of our society?
Isn't it obvious? We all will become blind. Our society needs to stop glorifying mediocrity and appreciate honest people, give them what is due to them instead of denying them. It will encourage everyone and the generation unborn to do the right thing. Let's stop seeing honest people as people who are not 'sharp'.
Being honest doesn't have to be a rocket science, does it? I guess so, if not why do we now celebrate someone who returned a money or item that was found to the rightful owner? Is that not the right thing to do in the first instance?
Our society is becoming scary. From the family to the religious organisation down to the society, it's becoming a nightmare.
We need to change our mindset. What if there is only one-eyed man in the land of the blind, would you not rather be the KING?
Let's help our society to do what is right and we will all be happy for it.