INTUITION & DOUBT - Winning the Internal Battle!

in #life7 years ago

There is a universal, intelligent, life force that exists within everyone and everything. It resides within each one of us as a deep wisdom, an inner knowing. We can access this wonderful source of knowledge and wisdom through our intuition, an inner sense that tells us what feels right and true for us at any given moment. - Shakti Gawain

INTUITION & DOUBT - Winning the Internal Battle!


I have always been a firm believer in trusting your gut instinct and a huge advocate for believing in the little voice of intuition. This is essentially how I have always steered my ship – it really has played a huge role in basically every facet of my life – from when I was a little girl, right through to this very moment as I sit here writing.

Intuition has guided me through everything in my life.

In my career as a graphic designer, it played a huge role and was (in my opinion) one of the primary reasons that I earned the reputation and received the countless testimonials that I did, because I learnt to trust my gut feeling and creative instinct so emphatically with all my jobs that I would instinctively “know” the sort of end result the client was looking for, sometimes never having even spoken to or met them directly.

Energy is something that is present whether in person, from a far or even via email and I learnt to read and intepret that energy. It gave me insight into the individual and I learnt to trust that instinctual direction. Eventually, there was no more doubt and to be quite frank (and possibly at the risk of sounding a little arrogant)… I seldom got that preconceived perception wrong.

Well, not as a graphic designer anyway…

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I do have high standards. I look at everything I have done and think, 'Why wasn't that better?' Part of my motivation is from crippling self-doubt - I have got to prove myself wrong. - Michael Palin

My instincts in “everyday life” are relatively in tune too – but not quite as acutely as they were in my career… and I suppose the reason for this is that niggling little word - DOUBT… Well, actually… I suppose in essence, it isn’t that my intuition is not as finely tuned in my personal sphere, but rather that I don’t have quite the same levels of unwavering trust in it - and that is probably because work is something you do – not who you are and therefore has a lot less emotional repercussion should you in fact be wrong in your perceptions – whereas on the personal front, there is a higher “risk factor” for pending outcomes and their relative variants - and with high risk always comes a little more doubt than the former.

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“Our bodies have five senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing. But not to be overlooked are the senses of our souls: intuition, peace, foresight, trust, empathy. The differences between people lie in their use of these senses; most people don't know anything about the inner senses while a few people rely on them just as they rely on their physical senses, and in fact probably even more.” ― C. JoyBell C.

I could literally KICK myself for the amount of times in my life that I have allowed my doubts to override my intuition when it comes to my perceptions of an individual, personal circumstance and/or event or just basic decision making for myself moving forward...I am fortunate enough to be one of those people that actually has a RATHER LOUD inner voice – so I really should afford it a little more respect! Haha!

I will sit and think about someone or something…. And then think some more and then perhaps a little more (haha) and ALL that thinking, literally DROWNS out the ALWAYS accurate little voice from within! And if it isn’t just overthinking about the situation “in general”, then it is often a form of list building leading me in the wrong direction… ”you can’t do this” or ”you will fail and everyone will judge you or laugh at you”… oh and the list goes on. This is something I am certain MANY people can relate to or identify with on some level or another.

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As an example, the podcast which I launched the other day… As I have already outlined, in another post… the fear and doubt of my ability to simply sit and answer a few bloody questions in an interview by @aaronmcheong damn near stopped me from actually doing the interview in the first place. But, I DID do it and once I had finished it (and had about 24hrs to actually calm my nerves haha) - I realised that I REALLY enjoyed it and thought I might like to explore something similar for myself… which is something I have LONG since wanted to do and I expressed that in my intro podcast ...and NOW... I have done it!!! YAY!!!!

Ok, I have only done two podcasts lol and I probably rambled most of the time, and yes I have internally ”beat myself up” about it – once again overthinking the potential mockery and judgement… but to my surprise, it was REALLY well received and I have been getting some AMAZING feedback… even from @branlee87 on his podcast earlier today… which was just FANTASTIC!

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And it is amazing, because although those thoughts of doubt still linger, they sure as hell are a lot quieter now! haha and I am FINALLY listening to my intuition – doing something that I can HONESTLY say… I NEVER thought I would find the confidence to do EVER again…. And I am REALLY enjoying it!

I find it truly beautiful how when we DO actually listen to our inner voice and follow the path which ”IT” and **”we” KNOWS is the right one for us – not only does everything else simply fall into place, but it just FEELS so right!! Like the moment you slot the correct puzzle piece in, after having searched for it for hours on end!

And that is how things SHOULD BE!

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You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself. - Alan Alda

Before I end off today,
On behalf of the entire

@steemitbloggers community

and compliments of @zord189's exceptional talents...

I would like to wish everyone an


(or today... depending on where in the world you are hehe)

Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Good job my dear friend!!!
Happy Valentine's day for tomorrow!!!
@flamingirl, with love 😙

Thank you so very much @flamingirl!!! I hope you had a super duper Valentines Day too! Much LOVE to you xxx

Our good morals What we do for the good of others is the secret of happiness
Intuition is an expression of the soul but mind also has a great role
Thank you for your words

What a beautiful comment, thank you!

Happy Valentine's.

Following my gut has saved me from a lot and also brought me more opportunities. I am thankful for that sixth sense so much.

That makes two of us hon :)

you create a great post.....nice one..... your writing skill was very different....... thanks for shear this amazing post..... :)

I am very glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for the support :)

Intuition is an inborn revelational gift and doubt is its antagonist...
Great work.

Happy valentines.

Brilliant words! Thank you for sharing them with me x

I am a newbie and your ardent follower. Please, do well to visit my blog once in a while to encourage a Plankton like myself.

Thank you @jaynie

All true, if one follows his or her intuition,you don't need an astrology to let you know about tomorrow or future. Following self intuition is still the best

Very true! :)

Beautiful and I am so happy to hear you got some of the balance right. It is truly difficult to tell the difference and I am so happy that you figured it out. Well done.

Thank you so much @jusipassetti xxx

Happy Valentines Day to you too! Great article Jaynie. Your article reminds me that we are all so disconnected from our self that sometimes we forget to listen to that thin we call instinct. It is real and it is there but we tend to over think it or dismiss it and sometimes question ourselves about the fact that we are actually feeling that sense that tells us what is right and wrong - that feeling we get in our gut. :)

That is so very true @moneyinthecloud - We are all WAY too disconnected these days! Thanks for stopping by and for the support. Take care

Anytime Jaynie! Look forward to your posts! :)

Spot on. Great post!

Thank you ;) Glad you enjoyed it!

This post has received a 0.52 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @alanparker.

Many thanks @drotto and @alanparker - I really appreciate the generosity and the support!

Excellent post, I especially liked the point that becoming familiar with one's own energy and how to recognize others' energies develops one's own intuition and confidence to act on it. I've found that Tai Chi has been very beneficial in recognizing energy. I just finished a post on it yesterday! Feel free to check it out here, maybe it will spur some more ideas for your posts:

Thanks for your insight @jspots - and yes, most eastern practices are very well tuned into the art of perception and working with energy.

I will go and take a look at that post. Thank you for sharing :)

I think there is a synthesis happening in the subconscious, a drawing on our experience, both personal and shared with us. The synthesis emerges as intuition. Trusting that intuition allows an expansion of the data available to us that further improves our ability to synthesize and increases the accuracy of our intuition.

This is also how machine based learning works for AI, but I sincerely doubt that the intuition developed by AI will improve on human intuition, but it has the advantage of being able to process more data.

Thank you so much for your very insightful and TRUE comment @josephsavage - as for the AI intuition, yeah... I certainly HOPE that their levels of intuition never surpass ours... that is a rather scary thought actually lol

I have always followed my intuition too and seen that it works for me.
Thanks for the post @jaynie, doubles up my faith.

Pleasure :) Glad you connected so well with it ;)

does hearing voices count? :D've made a great point and i can relate to those who DOUBT because I myself always ends up regretting not following my intuition for so long that i became apathetic, thinking that there will always be "next time." Hoping and wishing can be a bad habit sometimes because you end up unsatisfied.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Well @leeart, I suppose the reality is.... that intuition is exactly that.. "hearing a voice" ;)

Great article. One thought is that intuition is our "internal computer" making calculations and determining an outcome done in such a way our language cannot express it. An example of this is AlphaGo conquering the Go world, which was thought to be the game that relied on human intuition.

I really like that perspective! Thanks for sharing :)

~beep beep beep skips beep~

Your common sense will work better than intuition. I still haven't understood intuition. It could be your own mind playing tricks against you.

hahahaha - Well nothing stopping you from learning to develop your intuition @amarbir :)

One battle I face almost daily. Even misinterpreted most times as a battle between intuition and brain. As a student this happens to me at every single test, more than once I´ve doubted myself to much and changed my answer at the last minute just to see later on that the erased answer was actually the right one. Ouch! I have to start trusting my instincts more, and still, to not confuse my instincts with my impulses too. Another great battle if you ask me.

I think it is brilliant that you have at least identified the moments when you should be listening to your intuition.... many people NEVER do!

Intuition is underemphasized; especially these days that we want to be planed and collected. Intuition is important in a man's journey.

I agree 200%!!!!

Great post...
Thank for sharing...

Happy Valentine's day to you too!

@jaynie yes we must all train our intuitions and that is by trust. We trust it by yielding to its guidance and direction in small matters and after we have mastered the shades of its voices, we can easily rely upon it on complicated matters of life. Just like we build our physical muscles, so we can build the muscles of our intuition.

Hope you got more of this kind of awesome posts in your kitty

Great post dear. Thanks

woow is very good the batle

your post is great.......Lot of thanks for Sharing this informative and valuable of luck brother....

you are the best post :)

Nice post

Thanks :)

I hope you become a popular graphic designer

Very true post. Trusting ones intuition is so important, especially when that doubt comes creeping in.

Absolutely!!!! Silencing that little gremlin is the trick :)

Wow! ...this so good @jaynie the picture just made my day! Thanks so much.... So cool!

Glad you enjoyed it, thank you :)

I love the way you express.

The majority of us really great at beating ourselves up and doubting ourselves and ignoring the whispers of our inner knowing.

Oh its great to be alive hey!

It takes constant reminding that there are no mistakes, everything is in divine order with divine timing. We all need to learn faith and trust and hopefully reach the point of complete love for ourselves so we can then nurture and share that love with others.

Thank you again for sharing!