I am of the firm belief that the habit of practicing gratitude on a daily basis is the key to shifting our lives in a positive direction. This is not only the expression of gratitude for the positive things in our lives, but also for the challenges which we are often faced with.
But sometimes, we can get wrapped up in our day to day existence and agenda, and it is not that we aren’t grateful, but rather that we simply forget to actually verbalise it or take the time to offer it a moment of dedication even in thought.
It is also true that surrounding yourself with the positive attitudes and mind-set of others, that it has a ripple effect on yours too…
Welcome to the #GratitudeTrain No. 11
So for ALL of us, including myself, I have decided to start this #gratitudetrain. We all spend a good portion of our lives here browsing through our Steemit feeds, so why not build a positive habit in the process. I think it will be great to share something every day that we are grateful for in our lives, no matter how big or small it may be.
Whether it is a new career path, a new hobby, an achievement of your child, a new relationship, a challenge overcome or simply a new pair of shoes… it doesn’t matter! There is without question… ALWAYS something we can take a moment to be grateful for!
Today I am grateful for my perseverance despite the negative and often belittling opinions of others. I was recently told by someone, that these "gratitude" posts of mine, are no solution - essentially that they are worthless, pointless and futile... well - guess what - here I am, expressing my gratitude yet again! And no, this does not make me perfect. No this does not fix all my wounds. No, this does not "make everything all better again" - but it is a DAMN good start, and I will not give up or give in, simply because one person tried to break me down. Yes, there are days when finding something to be grateful for can almost feel like trying to juice water out of a rock - but the fact remains, that your mind will believe ANYTHING you tell it often enough - and I CHOOSE to feed it with the good things in my life, and opinions like that are not one of them - so... as I said... here's to my perseverance :)
Step 1.
So starting today, in the comments section of #gratitudetrain post No. 1 – write something that you are grateful for in your life and start it with the number… as in if this is the first time you are sharing on the #gratitudetrain, then write the number “1.” And then state what you are grateful for.
Step 2.
Keep a record of your #gratitudetrain expressions shared in the comments somewhere in a word doc or such.
Step 3.
When you reach 30 – then publish a post on your own profile and be sure to use the #gratitudetrain tag or to tag me @jaynie in the post.
As simple as that!
The idea of this being, that not only will you develop a healthy and positive habit but at the end of 30 days when you share your own post, you will be able to reflect back and realise, just how MUCH GOODNESS there is in your life!
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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I felt like I'd had a "bad day". Until I read your post. This is a wonderful idea. So here goes..
It makes me really happy when I hear how a simple post like this can put a smile on so many peoples faces and shift their mental and emotional state of being to a positive one :) Thank you for participating @allthatisdope :)
AWESOME!!!! I love how you REALLY sat and thought about this, and I am thrilled to know that the post itself had a positive impact on you and your day! MWAH!
Iam sorry I have not visited in awhile and missed the first 10 days of this but @jaynie this is an awesome initiative by you :)
I can tell you ( because I practice this myself) if you do this regularly it can really build "neutral pathways" in the brain that promote a happier and more alive Life. No question.
So here you go
1. Iam thankful for my beautiful wife whose birthday is tomorrow and I just want to go ahead and mention it ( because I just don't want to wait til then lol)
So I'll be ready for no. 2 and looking for your next Post :)
So true @robertandrew :) and thank you for the reassurance. Some people can be such wet cloths lol :)
I believe gratitude does something enormous to our brain and mental health, so it cannot be futile at all!!!
Can't believe I missed this out @jaynie and here's me with my #gratitudetrain num. 1:
Thanks for the awesome and encouraging feedback hon. MWAH!!!
ahhahaha Happy!! me tooo!! and weird that we both caught on on the NUMBER 11!!!! we met on the 11:11 contest!! see apattern!?? ok just got myself spooked 😆
Spooky yet heartwarming too to have such coincidence with you Eagle!!!!! See you on NUMBER 2 on Jaynie's #12! <3
glad you saw the good in that,i had to leave for fear i'd spook myself some more. lol
see you at #2!! :)
okay not sure how i missed this, maybe i thought gravy train at first and not gratitude but this is Awesomesauce and whomever said this was futile is a JA. being grateful in life is why we are here. the whoa is me people are a drag. i should know i have an entire fam of them lol
anyhoo, this is my 1st and your 11th so we have to keep going until i hit 30! hahahah
#1 im so grateful that i met a chief that i’m working alongside and this has enabled me to get reconnected to my native american lineage and continue my medicine training. i just got a job offer to work on The Rez(ervation) to help my people too, not only in healing but legal work in which i’m trained! A’oo
thank you @jaynie for this !!!
@dynamicshine check this out, your new contest coincides with this initiative too. gratitude is everywhere :)
Wow im happy seeing positive posts like this specially gratefulness for the things we do have. Thank you @eaglespirit for tagging me. 😗🤗
sure thing! glad you were able to stop by :)
Great post ..
By always being grateful then we will know how the true meaning of life ..
thank you very much my friend
My pleasure :)
I am grateful for your perseverance too! 😘
#11 - Today I am grateful that my hubby grilled enough food Saturday night (since he had to work Sunday/Mother's Day) that we're still enjoying the leftovers for suppers. It's a nice, extended vacation from trying to figure out the answer to that daily question, "what's for dinner?"
MWAH!!!! - I know that feeling all too well lol
Number 2
I am grateful that I am in the position to financially help my mother.
Today, I was able to do nothing for 45 minutes during lunch. I sat in my backyard alone and the weather was gorgeous. I ate a fresh greek salad with smoked salmon on the side (two of my favorite foods). It was quiet except for the birds. I am very grateful for that moment today.
sounds fantastic :) We all need moments like that....
Number 11
I am grateful for a sister's life who had a fatal accident and narrowly escaped death
Yes, until we do, it's not matter the pace because everyone have their own pace as tortoise has it's own pace but it will also reach to it's goal. So, the most important thing is never compare yourself with anyone because you have to believe that you are unique. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
I think) an interesting idea!
Yea its good to be grateful, I will try write a post too
Gratitude mode activated...
No. 11 I am grateful for mothers all around the world. That we grow into a selfless being we never knit once existed inside. The joy and hardship of motherhood who shape us into who we are now. The many sleepless nights or concern mothers have for their children is simply amazing. I am grateful for moms. 😍
what a wonderful expression of gratitude love xxx
It is true that sometimes we are not grateful enough to people, sometimes we must do good without looking at who, is what they say because we do not know when that person show us their gratitude at some point, and help us when we need it most
Also very true. Thank you for sharing your thoughts :)
I don't go by habits because habits mean functioning unconsciously and the beauty of being Human is that we can exercise our intellect every second of the day. That's what separates us from the other creatures on this planet.
Otherwise, what we can do they can do as well with a lot more efficiency and little drama than us Humans make. Therefore, just try to live every moment of your life as consciously i.e. being aware and using your discretion as much as possible.
Otherwise, we're just like other creatures on the planet sleeping-eating-making a living .... and then dying one day. Therefore, live consciously and experience the beauty of being Human.
Regarding gratitude just don't eat for 2 days then tell someone in your home to give you food you don't take it. All gratitude, gratitude .... . Try it out and see.
Have a great day ahead.
cannot say I fully agree. Many of our day to day actions are habitual and VERY conscious. Just because you doing something repeatedly does not mean that you don't do it in a very conscious and aware state of mind. ;)
Habit and conscious action are parallel to each other. Conscious action means every step is a choice and not a compulsive tendency. When every step is a conscious choice i.e. you want that to happen then you're "RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS."Nobody else but you is responsible for them.
the definition for habit is not "compulsive tendency" ;) it is a "regular and repeated act" and responsibility does not really come into this... you are responsible for your actions on either count (but a rather irrelevant fact in context to this post).
#6 I am grateful for nature that keeps showing us how important it is to stop climate change and live in harmony with the earth. People often forget this or just don't care, so when the thunder suddenly sounds worse than ever maybe that's what it takes to get them thinking. I am also generally grateful for the incredible way that nature works :)
Good on you, @jaynie. Sometimes we need the negative (and to write about it as you did), to show us the positive.
Today, I am grateful to be able to work from home, in my office, "supervised" by Princess Pearli (Number 3)

this i beautiful and #3 makes me smile, my aunt had acat that she brought back and prob will again. she loves the soul of it and cant seem to let it go. yay on your list of gratitide! :)
so true @fionasfavourites :) she looks much like my "office" (bed) partners right now lol