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RE: Doors of Perception

in #life5 years ago

Women I tell ya... hahaha!!! We unintentionally seem to spend our lives frustrating and confusing you men! lol.... between your missing door and @galenkp's new pink plates - I have had some serious giggles today!!!!

And as for the door.... if it was a "kitchen door"... who has those???!!!! :P

Speaking of giggles, I have been wondering where you are in my feed lately - it is like this place has algorithms or something.... lol, because I have not spotted a single one of your posts lately... and as this thought crossed my mind earlier, I had the intention of popping by manually - but then got distracted with commenting and forgot. After which I popped over to @evernoticethat's profile after receiving a comment only to be me with a reblog of one of your posts.... so thanks @evernoticethat... because I have missed the regular giggles offered by your genius @meesterboom!!


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Oh no, not the dreaded algorithms!! That means we are going down a dark road!!! :0D

I am slowly getting used to a life without doors ;0)

... except for your throne no doubt? ;) haha!

That one can stay, lolz!!!!

.... Gimmi the good ladies number....


juuuust kidding!

....that one can stay lol ;)


Actually safer for families as a whole if that one remains ;)