WAAHAHAHAHA!!! Hey Blondie! 😘 MISSED YOUUUUU!!!!! So good to see your name pop up sweetie! I have been a terrible friend as far as staying in contact with anyone goes, but I know you understand!!! Like I just said to Wes...
I missed writing so much and I made an attempt or two to come back under the guise of "other names and personalities" in order to avoid the gazillion Jaynie haters but you know... it was never any fun because I couldn't just be me... and also it lacked all of YOU! So yeah, that fizzled out quickly enough both times and after lengthy contemplation, I decided to just brave the wave and get back into it regardless... onward and upward.
I wont be reviving ANYTHING though honey. This time I am just here for me... for the love of writing and for the sharing with all the beautiful humans here... like YOU!!!
SO good to connect honey!!!!
Can't wait to get stuck into what you have been up to
Also Loved seeing Jude , Dave and doggiesweets.