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RE: Top Tips Thursday (Tips on how to keep a journal)

in #life8 years ago


If you don't know what to write about, write that you have nothing to write about today and close the journal.

I really like that advice. In writing about nothing, you are in essence writing about something and that in itself is generating the creative flow!

Sometimes I find it best to seek inspiration by actually moving away from my laptop or completely - going to do something totally different can inspire all sorts of fun thoughts and writing in a journal is definitely one of those things!

I used to write a lot in a journal when I was in my teens and early twenties and I loved it, but I have not done it for years. You have inspired me to start it again because it really does improve the creative thought processes and it is a fantastic form of release too. Very therapeutic!

Great read, glad I stumbled across it!


Yes and when you look back you do not see a gap but some effort. It is always good to take some time to thing and empty your mind. I do this most afternoons watching the sunset.