Haha! I get what he means about real books, but people really need to get over that debate. The experience of physical books are always going to be unmatched, but the digital ones are the future. Imagine packing a library in your pocket, only with paperbacks instead of one nifty device. They can coexist, and the sooner people realize that, the better. Unless... you're right about people having fetishes about the paper grinding up against them :/ Now that's another ... chapter YOOOOOOOOOOOOW (insert gif of Horatio from CSI Miami pitting on his sunglasses)
Dude, I'm sorry I haven't been able to comment. I have been without internet for almost a week now, and I'm only able to go online sparingly when I get to leech off of my fiancée's internet. I'm on borrowed time because I need to spend more time with her rather than being glued to the screen replying to comments on Steemit. Ugh. Women, amirite? Hope you and your family are doing well on your vacation! :D
Aloha dude!! I had missed ya!! It's totally ok, I have really not been on much at all myself because is being on holiday. The good lady is being quite vigilant about me having some down time grrrr!
Hopefully we both get back online a bit!! I hope I haven't missed the end of a day in the clouds?
I hope
I think you have :/ It's already out, just waiting for your perusal, my good man. Sneak it between bouts of inebriation for added effect! A trifecta of SILVER LININGs came along with it, to read at your leisure, of course. It's funny how all our offline times seemed to match up, talking about @dreemit and the others haha!
You're online! Hey! I keep starting to write back to your comments and getting distracted, it's actually become annoying how I can't seem to get a comment finished, LOL!
I'm online barely! The technician came earlier and "fixed" the internet, but the issue persists. It's still getting disconnected every few minutes. The struggle is real in terms of staying online and catching up on replies. I've spent the whole day just trying to catch up! :(
Actually if you can get over to chat for a second, I wanted to run something by you.
Edit: Okay, nevermind, your chat is not coming up for me--did you disable it? If not see if you can write me something because it's telling me that the room can't be found
Oh, huh, that's odd. I'll try to get on chat and see what's up. I didn't disable anything there, I just visit it when I promote a post.