Try not to buy when something is pumping
Sage advice that came way too late for me. I had been swept up by the hype and now the piper is eagerly awaiting my payment. But, you know me, I'm a hard-headed grunt who knows not when to fold. I did weep from my transgression, but for how long and how hard? Only myself and my pillow are privy to that information.
And everyone knows that a pillow never tells!! To be fair I thought that pivx still had some legs on it back then. Didn't expect the dead duck'ing that it became!! Buy em cheap!
Incidentally, as soon as I post this article about a bubble bitcoin goes crazy and all the coins go long red!! Lol!!
Haha! The Oracle of ... Oh-No-I-Don't-Know-A-Place-That-Starts-With-O-That-I-Can-Relate-To-You-But-I've-Already-Committed-To-This-So-I-Don't-Know-What-To-Do!
Could you whisper that PIVX is in a bubble so that I could just come away without any losses? Haha! Thank the crypto gods for the "until cancelled" orders haha!