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RE: Midnight Potatoes

in #life7 years ago

I am shocked. Nay, I am beyond shocked. I would've thought that a wailing baby, a disgruntled tot and a father trying to keep everything at bay would crank up the pheromonal levels to 11, and made every mother and would-be mother there swoon to the point of almost fainting. I guess there is a ceiling to everything. I'm sure the red tenters would roll their eyes and dismiss that the same thing wouldn't happen on their watch. But, then again, I think we've established that trying to quantify female behavior is a lost cause.


Sometimes when a cause seems most lost is when it should be found. Wait, that makes no sense. Yes, I agree. The lack of lady winks was most depressing :0p

OR, it makes the most sense, and, in fact, answers almost every question in the world. Almost.