Nice to see these advisements make a return!! Aww man, I missed these! For a second there I thought you had finally created the official spamfarmer profile!! I especially like it when they swing around Ulfred's Hammer making it seem as if we're the ones who should be thanking them for helping them. Oh spammers... can't live with them, can't... wait to live without them!
All good fun, badabingbada! My jaws are tired from laughing from start to finish. This post really is gold!!
You just gave me the brilliant idea to create the spamfarmer profile just to come here and comment absolute crap.
So that was you!! Hahahaha! I was about to ask the boomdawg if it was him haha!
Lol, that would be hilarious!
gold!!And it has been double @jedau'd!! That makes it even more
Ah they do indeed have a way is making us feel bad that we have earned anything or been here for a while!
Ugh! I just now realized that I missed a golden opportunity there! Instead of "badabingbada" I should've used badabingbrotha... because well, BOOM.
Well boom indeed! Hehe