Avocados are the perfect food anytime of day or night.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I love avocados.

I eat avocados almost every single day.

They're delicious. They have a ton of protein.

They are a superfruit and they are incredibly good for you.

Here you see the rare bedspread avocado in it's natural habitat.

I didn't always love avocados though.

In fact, I had never even eaten an avocado until I was about 20 years old.

I grew up in a household that was not very adventurous when it came to eating.

We basically had the same thing every day of the week.

Chicken on Monday, Spaghetti on Tuesday, etc.....

Sure we might have switched it up once in awhile......... but we never added anything that wasn't already there. Of course I was just a kid throughout most of this so I didn't know how that kind of thing worked.

Once I became an adult though and started to know how the real world worked I really began to expand my horizons when it came to eating.

I still remember the first time I ever had an avocado.

The wily avocado lurks behind the small loaf of bread waiting for the opportunity to strike.

I took an avocado and using a knife I cut around on middle, split it in two, removed the seed, poured a little bit of salt on it, and stuck a spoon into it.

I thought it tasted a lot like a creamy buttery ice cream.

These things are good for you?

It was at that point that I fell in love with avocados.

I'm not going to go into all the details of why avocados are so good for you but they have been known to help with weight loss, they're good for the heart, they're loaded with fiber, and they contain a ton of potassium.

Avocados can even help in lowering cholesterol levels.

The best part of avocados though is the fact that they are so filling and nutritious. You don't have to make them an addition to your meal........ your entire meal can be the avocado.

I like to stick a couple of pieces of bread in the toaster, pull them out, spread an entire avocado on top of them with a little bit of salt, and eat that with a few chips for dinner.

They're filling, delicious, nutritious, and everything you could possibly want in a meal.

Avocados are the perfect food anytime of day or night.


Yes. True. I like avocados very much.

I can't get enough.

I agree with you. It is a wonderful source of vitamins C, E, K, and B-6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, and folate.

I like avocados ❤️❤️❤️

Me too.

I L❤️VE 🥑 avocados. Mmmmmmm.

My oldest used to fight with me when she was in kindergarten: “I don’t like avocados.” She used to whine.

I would just laugh and say: “You love avocados” and made sure she ate some.

Now everybody in my house LOVES avocados - or so I think cause they all get them put on their tacos anyway.

No exceptions.

They say taste buds change as you get older and I like to think that they change for the better.

Everybody eventually loves avocados.

I just finished eating my salad with 🥑. I also use it on my bread instead of butter. I didn’t know it lowers the cholesterol. Anyway good for me, because I love avoncado as well.

Avocados everyday brother.

My two year old just lives on avocado. If you were stuck on a desert island you could do well if you had an avo tree!