If there's one thing I've learned about roommates is that they always lie to you.

in #life8 years ago

A new roommate moved in last month.

He has 7 cats. I was not fond of that idea.

I'm renting a room in this house though and I'm not the landlord.

He also smokes and I don't so we agreed at the beginning that he would smoke outside.

I assumed that he was smoking outside.

For weeks now though, I've been smelling a strange odor in my bathroom and thinking it was some kind of mildew or mold.

Source: Giphy.com

I've bought all kinds of cleaners and scrubbed everything down.

Yesterday I bought a giant bottle of bleach and poured it down my toilet tank thinking maybe there was some mold in there.

I notice the smell mostly fades during the day but then it's really strong at night.

The roommate's room is right on the other side of my bathroom.

He gets home from work just before midnight every night.

Today after pouring all that bleach yesterday I was quite certain that the smell was gone. There was no trace of it and I was finally happy.

Then tonight at around 12:30 p.m. I started to smell that terrible odor again.

"That's impossible!!" I thought.

Source: Giphy.com

"I cleaned it all so thoroughly!! The smell was gone!!" I was exasperated until it occurred to me.

It's the smell of cigarettes or cigars.

I took his word for it that he wouldn't smoke but it only happens at night once he gets home from work.

I actually did catch him smoking in the house about two days after he moved in and he swore to me up and down he would never do it again.

Looking around now that I can see smoke even in the air.

This isn't the first time a roommate has lied to me though.

If there's one thing I've learned when you first interview your potential roommate it's that when you ask him questions he will always just tell you what you want to hear.

I myself have a huge problem with lying. If I tell someone I'm going to do something........ I do it.

If I tell someone I'm not going to do something....... I don't do it.

Now you could say "hey he lives there too" but this is a really small house and there are three of us living here.

Creating a smoky environment when two of those three people don't smoke is extraordinarily inconsiderate.

If there's one thing I've learned about roommates is that they always lie to you.


Sometimes roommates can just suck. I had a roommate that told me after the fact that he let someone stay in our place from craigslist. They thought the apartment looked cool for people looked cool even though we had a listing up for someone looking to rent another bed but he was only in town for the weekend. He didn't even know this person, they stayed there for a weekend and I found out on Monday.

Wow was this recently? I had a similar issue last month with this very same roommate. He invited a friend from out of town to stay for an entire week and then told me when the guy was almost here after driving for like 10 hours.

It was about two years ago. At least your roommate knew the guy if that's any consolation...lol. People like that are as Charlie Murphy put it habitual line steppers.

Excellent post friend :')

Wonderful post.

Get a cheap no smoking sign and hang it on the bathroom door to let him know you know he's lying. Cigarette smoke makes me really sick so I cant' be around it. I feel like I'm suffocating and can't breathe.

I agree 100% but it's a fine line we walk when dealing with roommates.

That sucks that your roommate's smoking inside. So lame!

I find most people think that the world is exactly like they are. If you drink a cup of coffee in the morning you assume the rest of the world also drinks a cup of coffee in the morning. If you drink a six pack of beer after work you assume the rest of the world also drinks a six pack of beer after work. So I imagine he's probably like "smoking? come on..... everybody does it all the time....... everywhere...... everybody."

Mine didn't always lie to me....they just were lazy as heck.

Nice post buddy.. Check out my post @jakemore. Thanks

Thanks For Share.