I love science fiction and I especially love the older episodes of Star Trek.
Some of them are really good and some of them are hilariously bad but still fun to watch.
However, sometimes they really surprise you with just how out of date they are in terms of what is acceptable behavior.
Source: Imdb.com
This particular episode of Star Trek TOS called "The Lights of Zetar" has at least three incidents of completely inappropriate attitudes.
The first:
This occurs right near the beginning @ 1:07.
Mr. Scott is enamored by a new female crew mate.
Chekov: I didn't think Mr. Scott would go for the brainy type.
Sulu: I don't think he's even noticed she has a brain.
I was doing something else and I had to totally look up to make sure I heard that right.
The second incident is even worse.
The second:
Mr. Scott is comforting a girl in the Infirmary.
Mr. Scott: I'm sure that's what the Lieutenant wants. She just didn't understand. Did you now Lass?
Nurse Chapel imitating a Scottish person: With beed siide mannerrr like thattt Scotty youur'ee in thee wrongg bussinesss.
Nurse Chapel literally makes fun of Mr. Scott's accent for no reason at all. It's completely irrelevant to anything else that is going on with the plot.
The third:
The third one doesn't have an exact time frame but all through the episode Captain Kirk calls Lieutenant Romaine "Girl" and "The Girl."
She's a lieutenant in the Federation and appears to be in her late twenties.
Now I really love older episodes of Star Trek because I think they're fascinating and I also think they're a lot of fun.
Still sometimes the sexism and racism is just out of control and over the top.
It kind of amazes me that they really got away with this kind of stuff back then.
The older episodes are still my favorite though.
Doesn't surprise me. I didn't watch much of the original. The Next Generation was on when I was a kid. So I'm more particular to that.
Excellent publication, thank you for sharing your idealism.
Nice article jeezzle thanks for shar