I watched Revenge of the Nerds last night.
There are a heck of a lot of really disturbing things that happen in this movie.
I should tell you that it had probably been about 20 years since I last saw it.
One things is for sure, times have changed.
Source: Imdb.com
Revenge of the Nerds is about two nerds who go to college only to discover that the jocks rule the school.
It's typical 80s college hijinks at its finest.
That's what I used to think until I rewatched it last night.
Wow. This movie is disturbing as hell.
Lewis and Gilbert, played by Robert Carradine and Anthony Edwards, arrive at Adams college full of high hopes.
Well, full of high hopes, pocket protectors, dumb laughs, nerd dreams, and a robot.
They are quickly kicked out of the freshman dorm because some idiotic frat burned their dorm down and need to use the freshmen dorm instead.
The nerds end up living in the gymnasium until they finally find their own abandoned building that they turn into a dorm.
Eventually a rivalry will come about between the nerds and the jocks that kicked them out of the freshman dorm.
Only one dorm is going to control the Greek Council.
On the surface it's great fun, and in fact it actually is great fun and a great movie. However, there are so many things wrong with it that I can't even start to count them. However, I will try.
Source: Giphy.com
1 - Several characters are miscast as nerds.
The nerds are simply a group of nerds, freaks, and outcasts. However, Booger might have been considered an outcast at one point but he would totally fit into any cool party today.
The man drinks beer, belches, and constantly smokes dope. He never at any point does a nerd like thing. He is simply a party guy who isn't a jock. Does that make you a nerd? I don't think so.
Lamar Latrelle.
Call it a sign of the times, but the gay guy is considered a nerd even though he is just a fairly typical seeming guy that happens to be gay? What is nerdy about this guy? Nothing. He's gay. An outcast? Maybe at Adams college.
Now we get into what's really wrong with Revenge of the Nerds.
Source: Giphy.com
2 - Lewis Skolnick is a sexual deviant of the highest order. The man is a sexual predator.
Lewis is constantly trying to hook up with a sorority girl named Betty. She is a jock's girlfriend, and quite pretty at that.
The sorority girls have told the nerds that they will be coming to their dorm on a particular evening. They stand the guys up which causes them to call a different group of "less attractive" sorority girls called the Omega-Mu.
Lewis has sex with one of these Omega-Mu girls that night.
The jocks then put a bunch of pigs into the nerds dorm.
The nerds retaliate by doing a panty raid of the girls sorority. The thing is, they are also being incredibly aggressive and demanding to see the girls naked. Lewis at one point corners a girl in her own room.
The nerds then install cameras in the sorority so that they can watch the girls at all times. The girls constantly walk around naked while the nerds sit on a couch and drink beer watching them parade around naked all night.
Lewis spends the rest of the night staring at Betty's panty clad butt. He literally spends the whole night looking at this girl's butt even though he already had sex with a different girl that very evening.
Source: Giphy.com
The guys then sell pictures of the girls naked. They put them inside little pies. How illegal is that?
That's not the worst of it. This is where it gets real.
Lewis literally rapes a girl.
Yep. He rapes Betty.
It's a hijink.
Betty wants to have sex with her boyfriend, the jock. Her boyfriend is dressed up like Darth Vader. At one point he puts down his Darth Vader mask so Lewis picks it up.
Lewis dresses up just like her boyfriend and then follows her into a small room.
"Aren't you going to take off your mask?" she asks.
He shakes his head to indicate that he won't.
They proceed to have sex.
Betty thinks that she is having sex with her boyfriend.
Afterwards, Betty says it was great so Lewis takes off his mask to reveal that he is not her boyfriend.
What do you think she does? Cry out rape?
Nope she just doesn't seem to care. In fact she leaves her boyfriend to go out with Lewis instead.
What. The. F$$$.
Revenge of the Nerds is one messed up movie. You should watch it just to see all of the different things that will make you cringe.
It's incredible.
I remember seeing the movie few years back, so captivating and amazing.
Thanks for the short overview, I can't help but laugh as I tried to catch some of the moments you described.
Thank you for your comment.
You need not mention.
I think your review is enough...
Thanks for experiencing that for me!
It's really an interesting movie if nothing else.
Have you seen? "The Drop". Starring Tom Hardy, James Gandolfini and Noomi Rapace. Great drama without overdone action.
I would be interested to hear what you think of it.
I'll see if I can find it online anywhere.
What else would you recommend?
Gosh I have not thought about that movie in yonks!!! I'll have to watch it again and see if I puck up what you did. Interesting how views and perspectives change over years. I never thought very deeply into this particular film. Always considered it somewhat Bubblegum entertainment.
I love watching old movies, especially when I find out that they are as interesting if not more interesting than they were when I watched them originally.
Here's an interesting, and very short, YouTube clip in which the screenwriter Steve Zacharias admits that it was definitely just outright rape.
wow hectic! - Love how he could not have even bothered to sit up for the interview LOL
I thought about that. He doesn't seem very into the interview at all.
agreed! lol That would really have irritated me if it was me giving the interview. lol
You presented a good review on it its great..looking forward to watch it