People tend to focus their troubles on external forces. The government... the central banks... the next door neighbor... the boss...
What very few know is that your worst enemy is with you 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and since the very moment you were born. He/She is everywhere you go. You can't get away from him!
That person is you. Or, more succinctly, your conscious and unconscious mind.
Almost every problem you have had or have has been caused, in one way or another, by your own mind.
Once you can achieve sovereignty from your oppressive mind, however, you can become freer than you've ever imagined.
I've just recently began to gain that sovereignty and in my return to Anarchapulco I talk about how I've never felt freer in my life and how you can do it too.
You can see it here:
I also talk about the importance of not allowing the problems in the world to affect you. And, perhaps how the matrix is set up to make you feel depressed and helpless. But, you don't need to fall for its trap.
I also am reunited with my anarchist dogs after my week-long trip and return to find they are even more disobedient of authority than when I left... which is the way I like it.

Somehow listening to you feels like a detox for the brain! I don't know any other way to describe this.
Thank you @jeffberwick for your inspirational presence!
@cobalus i totally agree with you... just inspirating!! =) More posts like this please! @jeffberwick
Agreed! It's motivating.
So all the fake interest in your money doesn't drives prices up so much that you cannot afford it and it is all just in your head? So if you ignore it and go positive thinking it just goes away?
Naaaah :P
@cobalus I could not have said it better. @jeffberwick it's so refreshing I don't understand why haven't started following you earlier. You speak a lot of the truth and it's simple but yet mind binding.
@cobalus, Steemit might be under attack! Tell us what your think > https://steemit.com/steemit/@blockrush/is-wildspark-the-steemit-killer-blockrush
You are very correct Mr. Berwick.
The things that you do to cock-block yourself are monumentally horrendous.
If you ever speak to real Tibetan monks, you find that our blockages are massive, our separation from our power vast. That, if you could, live in the moment and in your power, without these blockages, everything will flow smoothly in your life. Timing, money, food... everything.
^real talk.
The govt is the ultimate cock-block for life.
We allow ourselves to build our lives around the framework they build and its time we started letting go of it. We dont need to smash it down, we just need to step out of it.
And there is a way to do that. It requires a change in "how" we "think". Contemplate thinking critically. Contemplate taking the initiative. Using knowledge as your guide, execute your new way of thinking and become wise. Use your newfound wisdom to shed the paradigm.
Hell yeah the key to freedom is self reliance if we ate to be free then we need to not rely on a corporation for our needs we can use our skills as currenc
It's easy to fall into the trap of "what if I fail." Self-doubt and uncertainty kills our drive and ambition. Sometimes all we need is to change our pysche by knowing our downside. Nobody cares about failure. And shouldn't care too much about failing too.
The battle between you and your dreams.

She needs to leap over that cart and tiger claw that guy in the face!!!!
That explains a lot, it seems that everywhere i go, there i am. I just need to get past my emotional dependency of/on the system and realize i can do/be more.
Affirmations are often very helpful. They help your mind to lay down new tracks instead of falling into older can't-do routines you learned early in life.
It is amazing how big a difference it makes with how we talk to ourselves. It can be difficult even when we know this truth as well. It is almost a skill in itself.
It is a skill in itself. Many people call it mindfulness. And it should be taught in grade school along with meditation.
Instead of teaching them lies about president Lincoln, which is almost a waste of time, even if it was true, the schools could teach a life long skill at an age where it will make a great impact on their life.
And it is difficult. Every single time the thought creeps up, you have to reword it. Every time.
You are right on the money. Education ideas need a complete overhaul from scratch. Government should never be in charge of education or you will end up with what we have today every time.
Slavery to God is true freedom.
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
Matt. 6:24
Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."
Matt. 16:24
“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Matt. 6:31-33
I understand where you are coming from, but I do not interpret these lines like you do. (Besides King James trying to give more power to the king)
God gave you free will. Becoming a slave to god is throwing that gift back in his face.
God created the universe to provide for all of your needs. It is why the sun blasts energy at us every day. It is why the plants grow.
Lack of, doing without, are human traits. They are human doings. By man being afraid and trying to control his food supply he diminishes it for himself and others.
So, you are learning to trust in god's grace. And learning to co-create your future with god. There is no slavery. In fact, acting as a slave you stop doing the important part of why you exist. To live life; to experience the universe .
For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him
Matt. 6:24
But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”
Matt 4:4
You can interpret the Bible however you like. That's what led to the 30,000 "Christian" denominations in the US alone.
Yes, indeed. It is the egoic mind that causes people to disidentify with their true self, their souls. The effect of (sub)conscious affirmation, being positive, negative, anything, is tremendous and actually changes our physiology. Right on, mate!
click here!This post received a 1.7% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ericwoelk! For more information,
@jeffberwick for president 2020
hahaha i vote for sure !
voted. lol
Maybe this is what is going to really happen next
yessir. your mind is your worst enemy and the sick part it - you can't hang up or turn your back on it - it's with you 24/7 like said. Key is to learn to live in harmony with it and learn how to tell it to shut the F**K up. Great Vblog
I've been saying everything you know is wrong. Only half joking. You put in much tangible words ☺️
Once you realise that you have no control over your thoughts and that your ego is like a deranged monkey throwing shit around everywhere inside your brain there's no going back. Sometimes now my own stupid thoughts make me laugh out loud, whereas before I would have taken them all too seriously.
Very True :\ Have followed you
Yea freedom
Thanks for sharing!
Great post Jeff!
I know you don't need my little upvote. But I did upvote. Your walk and talk videos are really helping my quit drinking. And I have been to many AA meetings.
Always love watching the post and listening dollarvigilante....If you don't mind can you make a video about mining coins for someone new to mining. I was just thinking about taking the next step in my Crypto relationship :)
Spot on as always Jeff :) My new pictures post is up and there is a sickkk picture check out if you want ;)
Your dogs are awesome man!

I kinda disagree with the anarchy ideology ! I mean i just don't accept it fully, I believe in governments, but not the abuse of power!
Back to the point that yourself is your enemy, let me share with you a little story!
I've always been over weight, in 2012 i reached a record of 147kgs, one day I decided that i can lose all this weight, only 18 months after, i was already 84kgs!!
This journey was full of sweat, pain, disappointments and effort!
You know what kept me going?
A quote that says "if there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm"
Great job man!
Great effort Man. I love your drive and enthusiasm and effort..
I reblogged. Great to see that the realizations are comeing through of our self-responsibility as Life. I would suggest if you like check out this free online course called desteniiprocess.lite its all about self change first. It takes like 10min a day on a lesson.
awesome post we have to face SELF everyday. This helps
This comment has received a 0.06 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptoactive.
Jaimie Mantzel of Youtube fame has a bunch of great video lectures about this same principle. Coming from a man who is building his own fortress on an island in panama, using a bulldozer he also hand built, I believe he knows what he's talking about.
Yes ! Of Course, When We start to Solve Problems they need to be solved starting from ourselves. There is not anything external. If nothing can solve the problem then just forget every thing and chill with cold beer. Cheers !!!
The cold beer goes with accepting the things you cannot change. Makes accepting them a heck of a lot easier!
The mind is one of the most powerful tools out there, and yet so many fail to gain a grip on it. So few realize the potential we have inside :)
It is a powerful tool. But I believe it is a tool we give way to much power too. I often find that the majority of our problems is in giving to much power to the Mind and not to the HEART! That's the real power inside :) I wrote a bit more on this if you're interested.
Thanks for the link @rieki , I'll check it out
Sure, no problem :)
We have to depend on our self not see others to solve our problems. I think it will best to boost our mind so that strong by mind will not feel external forces much .We can over come many of emotions by our mind power.
Awesome content Jeff!
I like your topics, but your videos are 4 times too long.
You are your own worst slavemaster!
Jeff the Man
No doubt. The bitcoin swing trading indicators he came up with are sheer genius. Simply sell when Dollar Virgil is passing out cigars and sipping champagne, buy when he is giving himself a coffee enema. That worked perfectly during the memorial day weekend bitcoin massacre anyway. Bitcoin still in sell mode since his "Bitcoin $3000!" celebration party btw. Wait for his new enema video before you even consider making your initial purchase or adding to current holdings.
The earlier one extricates himself from the shackles of self defeat, the better.
Thanks for sharing.True talk @jeffberwick
refreshing, thanks
Great post, Jeff, thanks for inspiring us!
UpVote if you want this guy to adopt you
Did you have an awakening Jeff? Lately your posts are very enlightening. I like it, keep 'em coming buddy!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:Congratulations @jeffberwick!
Image you have a picture of a large circle with a smaller circle inside, and a dot in the center. The dot is you, and the smaller circle is your friends and family, the large circle are your neighbors, and outside the large circle is everyone else. You can't control the people outside the large circle. You can't control people within the large circle. You can't even control the people within the smaller circle. The only thing you can control is the dot in the middle. If you can't control the dot in the middle, then those in the smaller circle, larger circle, and outside the circle will do an exceptional job of controlling you.
Thank you, this will help me in my strive to become the best version of me.
I like your walk-abouts.
Find the real you :)
Very cool post :) I like it :)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)
Our often outdated mindsets and old believe systems are indeed one of our worst enemies.
My best way to keep the monkey chatter in my brain calm for a while is meditation in nature and just observing, listening and hearing what is around me ;)
I wish you a wonderful day!
I feel like Steemit has allowed me to escape myself in some ways. Helping me think out side the box and plan the future a little better.
This is nice and educating, nice work keep it up
Hey @jeffberwick I really want you to answer me this question. You mentioned bunch of times that you did ayahuasca, and I know you do the ceremonies in Anarchapulco, so how hasn't that helped with cigarettes and alcohol? Many people who have tried psilocybin mushrooms or iboga, or ayahuasca report that they have lost there addictions.
excellent post.........I too wrote same kind of article on life........if u are free have a look at it :)
My autistic mind is indeed my worst enemy.
Not to say government isn't a big problem cause it is.. the powers that be try to maintain these mind states and create an environment that makes it hard to get out of it.
But ofcourse government doesn't exist it's the collective minds of the people that imagine it in existence.
3 words for you: Malarkey, and mumbo-jumbo
@jeffberwick, this would be the best and most encouraging words that I saw about the reality in life. Government is just a governing body that can help you a little, for me it is so much busy to make your country develop, not only you. The only person who can help yourself is nothing but yourself. Thank you for enlighting everyone mr.berwick. this time im waiting more of your post.followed and upvoted.
Fuck the Government.
You are your own worst enemy. If you can learn to stop expecting impossible perfection, in yourself and others, you may find the happiness that has always eluded you.
You nailed it with this post. Keep em coming!
Suffering can be defined, as the difference between how things ARE ....and how you WANT them to be!
check the latest news about poloniex
Upvoted it and following you!.. Please, follow me and help me with my posts. I really appreciated