Most of us don't consider ourselves to be brainwashed or programmed. Most people think they are in complete control of their thoughts and actions.
The truth is, though, that most people are almost completely programmed robots. And yes, that probably includes you and it includes me.
From even before we are born we are inundated with programming. How to react to this. What to do when that happens.
What we like to eat. What smells we like or don't like. Everything. It is all the result of our past experiences and many of them are programmed by our cult(ure).
In today's "walk n' talk", I try taking a different tack with my disobedient anarchist dogs and get approximately the same result as always.
And I discuss how I continue to realize just how programmed I have been and I give my top 3 ways that I have begun to deprogram myself.
You can see it here:
Once you begin to deprogram yourself and actually, consciously have thoughts and take conscious action it is an incredibly freeing experience. It is, in fact, like living a completely separate, new life... one in which you are much more in control of your reality.
Most of us have been having the ship steer us our whole lives. You'll be amazed how much better life is when you are actually steering the ship.
I couldn't agree anymore with this post Jeff! I started deprogramming myself through the process of daily meditation for an hour a day, every morning. And I am proud to say that 8 years of doing this daily is 99.9% responsible for knowing Who I Am today and the very all-around selective lifestyle that I live as it pertains to my interaction with all sorts of nouns lol. If anyone is interested on starting the same practice, I highly recommend researching Bill Harris of CenterPointe.. Great folks over there! Great post and I hope your influence is enough to send a few more Steemians on this journey of rediscovering your true self and living a MUCH BETTER and at-peace life as a result. I do warn you, the process can be a bit up and down emotionally because its never fun to find out for the first time that one is 100% responsible for the things one attracts into one's life.. It's a shocking and hard pill to swallow at first but once you do, true liberation shows up almost immediately after that acceptance stage. Resteemed!
Hi The Grateful, Can you explain this: "one is 100% responsible for the things one attracts into one's life"?
one's inner self-talking or dialogue. We all do it all day long, everyday. Actually doing it now.Hi @ugetfunded. It's an experiential truth. Meaning that one would have to experience this truth in order to fully know it but I will attempt to put it in words. The simple version of this comes down to the true creative force in one's life ---
This can be in auditory form (literally speaking to yourself or others in your head and hearing it in your head) like replaying an argument with one's significant other or friend after the argument has been had. Some people are more visual and see stuff in their mind and see it over and over. And some people are more into touch like feeling a friend hug them and say "congratulations on your new job" or get pushed by someone while hearing them screaming "get this crypto nonsense talk out of my face."
These inner conversations that we have with ourselves carry varying degrees of intensity, repetition and authority ( these are the three most effective ways to send an accepted message to your subconscious mind, which does all of the heavy lifting of creating and sustaining your being).
The other side to this "creation cycle" (for lack of better words) is that your mind doesn't just listen to the messages that you code into it, but it is also easily coded by "external" or third party entities like influential individuals like Jeff Berwick, Warren Buffet, Michael Jordan, The Pope, etc; institutions like government, church, and long standing traditions like institute of marriage; and any other third party idea, person or school of thought that you subscribe and Believe the ideas that they present to you about yourself (what you can/cannot achieve, deserve, etc); the world ("money is the root of all evil"); and other people ("people are so selfish and never want to help when you need them"). Now, there's nothing wrong or right about anything that I've said so far or anyone/thing I've mentioned so far. The issue at hand, and what Jeff is speaking to is this:
Because our minds are literally bombarded by thousands of different types of messaging from personal/family demands to social media, to advertisements on tv and billboards on the highway on one's drive home, and to radio -- our minds become too noisy and makes it very difficult for one to hear or notice the Unproductive imaginative activities that we participate in within our mind. And for some reason that's unknown to humanity (other than we know that it works) these self-generating and self-executing (I use the word 'self' because this is one thing in life one cannot blame or point the finger at another for doing) imaginative activities that we engage in within our minds advance into our future and faces us at an unknown but guaranteed time.
And when these mental activities catch up to us in the future, we blame/credit others or whoever was used as a part of manifesting one's own creation that one forgot about (because of passing of time) when it confronts them in the future.
From my experience after 8 plus years of daily meditating is that meditation does not make you some sort of enlightenment guru. I think that the enlightenment in the whole process is found in one being able to use meditation to slow down their mind enough to be able to gain more awareness or actually SEE one's imaginative activity (in the NOW -- where all creation happens) and then use that awareness to simply CHOOSE ('free-will') a different state of mind that's congruent with the kind of experiences or lifestyle that one wants out of life. And one will be pleasantly surprised to see that the Universe does not discriminate and will gladly hand one whatever experiences of life that one CHOOSES through their imaginative activity or one's feelings/moods (whether good, bad, or indifferent)...
Some people ask for proof or evidence of this and I tell them the same thing each time: Look at your current life right now. Is it consistent with most things you claim to want? They usually say "no but..." and I follow up with this question: "Can you please name one thing in existence that was not first imagined?"
And then I finish with this: Take 10 minutes to relax and try to take an honest inventory of one's most recent thoughts... especially the subtle ones dating back to 7 days ago and then take another inventory of your most recent experiences ... the direct correlation is all over that list ... if one is being honest to self.
For anyone wondering, a real world example of a subtle thought or shift in consciousness is this "Hmmm, I wonder how Jerry and his wife are making out with their new marriage..." And then (sometimes within a few minutes or hours or days) Jerry calls one to catch up with an old buddy and the two go on to discuss Jerry's newly wed life.
I hope this was helpful in shedding some light on the experience and if anyone else here has anything else to contribute, please do. As I stated in the beginning, it is an experiential truth. Meaning that one probably won't fully grasp it or be able to stand on it as firmly as I do, until you've undergone the process (with the help of meditation) and received one's own evidence of what I just attempted to speak on with words... Many blessings to you
You cover it beautifully, meditation has been a great addition to my life and I only wish I had learned to meditate at an early age instead of when I got old!
Thank you @fractalizer! Remember that 'old' is also a state of mind and meets us down the road! ;-) ... And it is NEVER too late to start meditating, very happy to hear you've committed to it ... Keep at it!
You might be interested in my new book, a Gratitude Journal for daily recording of your gratitude.Thanks very much @ebothegrateful, I agree, never too late and I refer to numbers not state of mind, Lol!
Have you already created this book? If not, please do it today! .... Gratitude is literally a pot of gold for those willing to open it and take some wealth out of it and not feel dirty or like you're stealing because the Universe wants you to take as much from that pot as you can, hahaha! Please let me know if/when you release the Gratitude Journal :-)
Great comment!
Thank you @igster .. Thanks for taking the time to read it!
Welcome change for the flood of comments that just feel like fishing for upvotes. Because of your comment I'll investigate this thing through.
And THAT decision you just made is the exact same reason why I invest the time and energy to write my comments. See I didn't come on Steem to get rich, as I am already financially prospered with or without Steem or blockchain technology. I've literally carried so many ideas, thoughts and experiences in my head for too many years -- not feeling comfortable enough on anyone platform to share it there... And then I found out about Steemit and the rest has been history. I was initially nervous that people here would think "talk too much" but it's been quite a pleasant surprise to see that this community not appreciates my passion for sharing in detail (so people can get the real juice in things) but it is highly recommended on Steemit. And I find that this is the biggest reason why I felt like I "fit in or belong" on Steemit. Please let me know if you come across any questions during your research. I'm always happy to contribute however I can.
I believe he is referring both what we take into our body on a physical level as well as the idea that our thoughts and beliefs effect our reality. It is through the advancement of certain technologies, and epigenetics which has created a scientific platform of understanding for what was previously only seen as a spiritual concept. I'll elaborate further if there is interest, but I will also be posting in regards to these concepts in the near future.
Looking forward to reading your blog posts on the topic @freedomrevival .. Thanks for commenting!
YES! from my experience the only way out is to deprogram all the words that have been embedded in your consciousness as mistaken absolutes that take power over you unconsciously. We have to retrieve the words that are low vibrational and break the belief in them, create the spells, and turning them back to the five elements.
Well said, I've been working on the reprogramming :)
I think sometimes I realize all the brainwashing going on and then I just stop being aware of it and keep going on with life . I'm at a point right now that I'm trying to change my ways of life this definitely helps and I'm going to start noticing more things. In glad I stumbled on you post. And your dogs .. omg i want to pet them lol quiero ser como Jerry!
I just watched "What the Health" on netflix. Sigh. Guess I'll be trying out the veggie way now. Let's see how I feel two weeks in.
Great post.. I was writing about this just the other week. If we ONLY knew how bad it is then maybe we might wake up! Here's something I feel that may shed some light on the situation:
I was in university in 1992 – 1996. One thing that sticks in my mind about that experience was a hypnotist show I saw. You’d think I'd remember more strongly something to do with studying, but no. This was one of the biggest lessons I think I could have taken with me from that experience. Now let’s be clear, there is no debate that hypnotists are able to do what they do, because it works. They are not playing tricks on us, using stooges, or prearranging anything. What this guy did on stage in front of our very eyes was quite revealing and disturbing. If you haven’t seen this on stage, then you may have seen it on TV where it is equally or even more disturbing. The ability of someone to utterly ruin someone’s perception of truth or reality is something not to miss! In the time it takes to make a cup of tea, we have someone seeing black as white, quite literally. We have an intelligent and sane person declaring that 2+2 =5 right there in front of our eyes. And what did it take to achieve that? Just a few suggestions and a prod. Now, take this knowledge, and think about a 24/7 barrage of ‘hypnotic’ suggestions coming in from all directions, from every angle. Think about the quality and quantity of messages we receive just from our media alone. How do we stand a chance? How can we expect anyone to overcome this total hypnotic reality? Well some do, and they go insane. Others do and they go religious, and some others do and go to sleep. Interestingly, that is the first and easiest thing for a hypnotist to do, to put you to sleep.
Very interesting what you say here!
That makes total sense! Great example.. Thanks for the post!
That's interesting empirical evidence you have of how suggestible we can be. Hypnotism has always fascinated me, but have never taken the time to deeply look into it. I may be wrong, but I haven't heard about someone having a response of significant influence from a hypnosis video before. I do know however, that hypnosis puts you into a theta wave state, in which you are subject to much more influence then when you are when in an alpha wave state (which TV induces). However, with the excessive exposure that many people have to TV today, with addition to the other tricks used in conjunction with the alpha state, It's effect over time can be quite substantial. As for kids below the age of 7, they are particularly vulnerable to TV programming as during this time they are in a theta state. They are basically in a state of hypnosis during this time while being exposed to TV brainwashing via (media/tv shows/movies). I personally think it would be more disturbing seeing hypnosis done in person, as just like you I saw a performance at my university in which I saw it done to my fellow students. I feel that at least for that time in my life, I would have been skeptical as to the validity of what I had seen if I had merely just seen it on TV, in which can be easily be fabricated.
This is really amazing and i am grateful you decided to share this with the whole community. It is true that we have been geared towards many things in life that we do not want but because we have done it for years, we find it difficult to dettach ourselves from these things. Im looking forward to more of these amazing posts from you.
It is easy to be trapped in a narrow mindset, those who break out of it and follow their own path, work hard and are passionate are usually the ones that change the world.
Jerry loco
good stuff!
Stop trying to brainwash me into thinking that I'm brainwashed.
Lol, it is true that knowing about some of this stuff could strengthen your belief in it's effect. It can either empower you or dis-empower you, the trick is to not just simply know of it, but to actually understand how it works. However, even if understood, exposure to many of the brainwashing methods should be reduced if not cut out entirely. Regardless of understanding, the alpha waves emitted by TV puts us in an unfocused and suggestible state, where we are often exposed to emotional scenarios coupled with a concept or idea they wish to implant. An emotional event + associated thoughts/beliefs strengthens the created memory , leading to it being more likely used as a point of reference when addressing relative issues in the future.
Ive been on the mucusless diet for a year. Right now im just drinking a smoothie in the afternoon then eating a big salad from my garden and some more wild fruit i pick daily at night. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner are a hoax. you only need to eat once a day. Everyone told me to not do this and i feel better than ever before and im feeling better each day :)
I agree that for me was the best lifestyle
I don't know why people hate this so much, but I really think it's the best way for me to eat. It's less limiting as to what you can eat, and you save time by not spending so much of your day on meal prep! Every time I mention it though somebody parrots "you should eat 5 or 6 small meals per day!" even though those people never follow this advice themselves.
I am sure living outside the United States helps with deprogramming. ;)
Basically have to live in the Third World areas, but I get your point! :D
You got this!! thx.. ! :D
I left the US about 34 yrs. ago and live in UK, but the programming here is almost as bad.
The worst of it is TV and radio.
It reinforces everything we have already been programmed with up till now!
You have to make a conscious effort to deprogram yourself.
total programming ...
Cool! You got it!
@jeffberwick What a great article. I totally get where you are coming from. I wrote an article about human programming a few weeks back. It definitely reinforces a lot of what you observed. It's a quick read and I think that you will really enjoy it. https://steemit.com/consciousness/@billionairebit/got-television-you-have-been-assimulated-and-are-now-borg
Bernays was extremely successful in laying down the framework for the modern mind controlled, media manipulated slave.
Him and others like him speak openly about controlling the masses through the "unseen mechanism" which most will be to diluted to ever break free from.
I hope cryptocurrencies are not brainwashing us ☺
ALL social media is.. When engaged in it heavily it weakens us spiritually , and leaves many in a constant state of uncertainty or fear of judgement. The "Variable Reward System" these sites use has the same addictive properties of gambling on slot machines.
I'm afraid the anarchist movement needs it's own righteous brainwashing organisation, because those who are already brainwashed need something to forcefully change their thinking for the better.
We got to herd the sheep, but in a good way.
thank you Jeff for all the info and for all that you do
If you don't know what "they" believe, then how can you say it is Satanic? Satanism in the form you are referencing never existed except as a scare tactic created by the church. Satanism in its true form has nothing to do with the Christian idea of Satan.
I've always thought patents were a bad idea...Holy shit though! I hadn't put patents into that perspective before, forcing people to use your product. Wow.
Congratulations on becoming healthier by moving to raw vegan diet eating mostly fruits. I highly agree that the diet is the main influencing factor with disease within the American society. However, I disagree that everybody needs to be on the raw vegan diet. Your genetic background, what your ancestors ate all through time, is the main contributing factor to how an individual's diet is determined. Then there are also disorders which determine what the diet must require.
Myself, having fibromyalgia, diet is extremely extremely extremely important. I went on a 100% vegetarian diet for several months and became very ill. I found that animal fats help to heal my intestines and help me to digest food more properly. I try not to eat more than one serving of meat a day though, sometimes I eat no meat in a day. I know I do not need much, so I'm certain to limit myself because I also know that too much of it can be quite harmful.
Meditation is not one of those things that you just get better at and get to stop practicing, lol. There are many things that can work for, but certainly not meditation.
Psychedelics saved me from my mind in ways I can't even explain but I'm sure you already understand. I've been so pleased to see the studies being sanctioned on psychedelics in the public eye so that the general populace may rise through the programming of their fear of these beautiful wonderful medicines.
Great advice, @jeffberwick, thank you for putting this together for our community!
You 're correct sir! We are products of our environments. Association breeds assimilation. We live in a society where the majority rules, and if you think outside the box you're spoke evil of.
One of the best explanations of this is Darryl Robert Schoon
He did a great video about us all been born as a blank cd and as we go through life with are all programmed
Completely agree with your thoughts. Our "education" is the biggest culprit. The founders of the current educational system only wanted to train people to work in the factories. Not to help us think for ourselves.
Nice walk n talk session. Truly we are brainwashed and the sad part is that most never realize this and go to their grave never knowing. U looked ripped in that pic on mostly fruitian diet.Thanks for giving us something to think and meditate on :) Resteemed and upvoted
I definitely agree we have all been brainwashed.
I think it's he main reason for why we have so much systemic oppression in America today.
yes kinda but some brain washing are needed because humanities are savages by nature maybe some control is needed
Are you a savage by nature? I'm not.
no, i love anarchy ideology, but i do't trust other people
police by all mean is not an ideal system, yet you cannot replace it with nothing
for example i have been to Malaysia there is police there but ineffective so restaurants and shops pay a group of gangstas on a monthly bases to protect them from other gangs savages,
but for the savage part you know the story of Cain and Abel this may not have happen but still very believable
Abel savage by nature Adam didn't brain wash him for all what we know
Basically everything in our lives is a lie... The sooner everyone realizes, the sooner changes can be made. But the question is - will everyone ever realize this ? I doubt that...
Something us rational people gotta deal with. Do we hold out hope that people will wake up and change OR do we just walk away and say 'fuck it'?
The amount of propaganda around us is horrendous.
Even if you try not to ignore it takes a lot of work.
Worth it though.
Get a hold off yourself Jeff, your brainwashed! :p
Oh yeah. Don't forget this one.
Your posts/videos are brilliant - we have watched nearly all of them and love the fact that you walk up and down that same hill - its like I am walking up that hill along with you (only you are getting exercise and i'm not). Keep doing what your doing and great job on the eating lifestyle change, I can really tell this is working for you!!!!
I truly enjoy your perspective @jeffberwick! Always thought provoking and ON POINT!
I humbly agree with you on that. The Slave masters have made the slaves eat the tube, watch, sleep the tube, think like tube etc..
I think it's he main reason for why we have so much systemic oppression in America today.
Very interesting life concept you have dude!... I cant agree with all of your point of view, but do agree in many things... Eating fruits is so important and undervalued, certainly we all should be eating more fruits...
Yes so true!!
Very great stuff! You are an inspiration
The habit of consuming alcohol at every single 'special' occasion definitely is a problem.
Muito bom
I understand what @jeffberwick is saying, but there are some good doctors out there. Had a nasty staph infection once, wasn't given antibiotics, just some old school silver sulfadizide cream. Worked great.
But I get where he's coming from about the lack of critical thinking and challenging "conventional" knowledge.
I draw the line at the Flat Earthers, but I'm willing to be convinced if they can show me a live stream video from a balloon launch showing the edge :)
So True! It applies to all of us, to varying degrees. "Don't let anyone rent space in your head" and "don't let them push your buttons" are both valuable defenses for beginners.
F.U.R.R. for you, Jeff!
Smoke some salvia or dmt and you will completely unplug and be able to reboot
Consciousness mean for me it's leave here and now and that particular moment not judge observe so there is no bad and good black and white Republican or Democrat it just is and that particular moment liberation of the Mind let go off judgement and attachment to outcome😏
I am absolutely 100% agree with you.. everything is programmed.. from sending children's to school and to have a separate appartament after 18 age.. television, news.. everything is pre planned.. crazy world and crazy we...
I absolutely agree!
We must personally manage our thoughts and our lives!