Why You Should Quit Your Job And Hop On The Back Of A Train

in #life7 years ago

I often leave my house in the early morning in Anarchapulco with nothing in particular in mind to talk about.

But, I bring my phone and amidst the chaos of trying to walk five anarchist dogs all without leashes through the streets of the fourth most dangerous city in the world I always seem to think of something to talk about.

This time I got onto the topic of diet but then proceeded on to talk about how our cult(ure)/society/matrix is rigged to enslave you. I got into death contracts and warned against doing what everyone else is doing.

Before long I was advising you to quit your job and just hop on the back of a train and see where it leads you.

You might think I was kidding but I really wasn't. What I've found is that people take too few risks. They would rather live a mundane life to avoid risk and they always end up regretting it later.

And most people are so scared of death that they never actually live.

If you feel like you may need to shake things up in your life this video is for you!

If you haven't clicked "follow" on my new personal profile yet please give it a click. I'll be back regularly here on Steemit with more outside the box thinking. In fact, my thinking isn't even "outside the box". I don't know what the box is and even if I knew where it was I would never go there.

Life is meant to be lived! Hopefully I can inspire you to do so today!

There are 2 pages

That's so true Jeff! Most people don't start living and waiting for something or thinking that they need to be secured.. Nothing is true about this. There is no real security out there.

I was going on world traveling together with my girlfriend for nearly one year now. At the beginning we had nothing and we just started to build our online business. Today I'am not regretting this decision. We were in over 15 countries already and still counting.

It was the best decision I made in my life so far :) Thanks for this motivating video Jeff :)

Jeff would be an awesome guy to have a beer with. He is point on with EVERYTHING.

I took a chance and moved to Colombia 7 years ago. It changed my life and now I create content in the entertainment industry. I dig and share your philosophy

So true, I've quit my job couple months ago to chase the unknown, for something different from what everyone I know is doing. I am looking into crypto trading, e-commerce, plus I've ended up here. Even tho it's just the beginning, it still feels fulfilling. I feel free! Instead of putting my hard work for someone else's dreams, I want to put that hard work for MYSELF. And success should follow with consistency as long as I stay true to myself. Thank you @jeffberwick, keep the inspiration going. 😇

Creative destruction!

Cool, yeah that makes sense. I started freelancing about 4 years ago, and now I also have my own translation agency.

I did that same thing too. Don't stop hustling.

I think crypto has the power to save us from slavery.

They brought down Gawker for speaking/writing. My hope is that blockchain/ decentralized social networks and internet will prevent any laws and corporate masters from shutting anybody up.

You have been my inspiration for some years now.
I am working every day on becoming more free. And it is working for sure.

This post received a 3.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @thedanzel! For more information, click here!

I love this piece,
Some of the things youve put out already resonates with most of the things i do.
Im a student who has gotten himself entrepreneurship and what i have learnt so far is, its all about risks.
I sometimes talk to my parents about it and the kinda freak out and say things like focus on your education first and blahblah
But the truthvis what you have said , risks are very necessary for growth to occur.
Thats for putting this lovely piece together and i will be looking out for more

@jeffberwick your article is pretty much spot on , 'we' as people are more afraid to get out of our comfort zone, so giving up on what we have would take us outside our comfort zone which we are not as a society to do so. We are so used to following the path of the people before us, that innovation is starting to become scarce from my point of view.

Fear of losing what we have is another reason, it seems nowadays we luck 'sentimental freedom' or some sort of it, i wish i wasn't part of them though!

Welcome to the socialist society which destroys everyones dreams.

Well said monaco1. Communism is the antithesis of freedom. For example, in communist countries you were told what career to take. A relative of mine was fascinated by electronics but had to train to become a taylor. Ridiculous! Fortunately communism's collapse allowed him to return to electronics. Enforcing "isms" on people will never work.

Yeah it is comfortable to get a fixed paycheck at the end of each month or week or two weeks. But 9 to 5 jobs can really tie you down in terms of creating something for the long term like a new business.

One of the greatest heroes in our lifetime was a barely known young fellow "named"Alex Supertramp; being tired of the established way of living... - and the expectations society demands, putting us in balls & chains, Alex decided to take a step back Into The Wild, to live his life in freedom and dignity!
Just like we all should go for to widen inspiration and to free our souls! Cheers!

When the U.S. returns to a gold backed dollar you will experience real freedom!

It's not the US returning to the GB$S, it's the BRICS nations combined with Blockchain technology! You can bet on it! Cheers!

I dedicated my name to him. I love the movie and am in awe at his worldly aspirations.

Whenever the moment comes I'm losing awareness, feeling the shackles on my feet dragging me down, Alex becomes once again my guiding light.
I'm listening to Eddie Vedder's genius soundtrack, read in John Krakauer's book or watch the film produced and directed by Sean Penn... - and it reminds me over and over again: We're all here to be alive for real!
To feel the blood running through my veins, the wind blowing in my hair, the sunlight on my face, cold water running down my spine to wake me up again and again and again!
Wisely chosen Username!

good to see you posting your personal thoughts jeff! If only more people knew that you could just get paid to post your thoughts...but then again most average people are too lazy to figure out how cryptocurrencies work anyway

Man you are awesome, I look 👀 forward to watching and reading more post from you 👍 Steem on- Untill we Steem again-Lyken Crypto- keep Learnin, Keep Investing.
in the voice of Adam Meister "POND THAT LIKE BUTTON"

I have quit my job 9 years ago. I have gained some good experiences with the job though.

Cool what are you doing for money these days?

hi pjcswart, i bought rental properties 3 years ago. The rent covers my expenses, so i am able to retire.

WOW that is pretty smart. How did you do it, did you pay cash for them?

hi pjcswart, thank you. Was using mortgage, and when the price of real estate is high i stop buying and use the profits to pay off some of the mortgage, and will buy again when it is undervalued

Where are you from?

New Zealand

Interesting, makes sense!

immigration is a bit of a problem, i'm trying to make money on here but it is hard! i'm glad it's working for people though, especially those on the run from 'the authorities'

also where do you live? I skimmed the video so if you mentioned it i'm sorry, but you say it's affordable and has a nice view so i'd love to know

Who are the authorities LOL? Facebook?

People only have one life, they need to realize you have to live it!! Great video :)

I also did the same 2 years ago. I quit my job and I took the plane to Bangkok, Thailand. I will be writing about my adventures to the land of smiles, Japan, South Korea and Indonesia really soon. If you are interested, be sure to follow me. There will be some great adventures written there. Love <3

Jeff, you got my follow. I love the video and the things you talked about. It is very inspiring and reminded me of my old self few years ago. Stepping out of the comfort zone is not easy at first, but once you do; the world is yours. I am planning to quit my job in a few months to travel the world for at least two years starting next year. Cheers!

Good idea. Where are you gonna go?

I really hope to one day <3 Awesome post Thanks

I am dreaming of the day where I can quit my job and YouTube, Blog, and do photography full time. I refuse to give up that dream.

We live in a society that advocates against taking risks from infancy.


Why do you say that?

It's great to quit your job.

However you need some way of making sustainable consistent income.

Some type of plan would be wise. But to quit with no money and no plan is not that smart.

Agreed and good addition!

Jeff your looking pretty mellow these days,glad your finally back in your groove.

I agree with the content too,and its never been easier to do what you suggest.

i think it is really great to talk about it, i see the same everywhere i go, people just procrastinating their desires to travel because they already have stucked in their mind it will be extremily expensive...
well i know that becouse i was like that too, since i was a child i have a strong desier to travel arround the world , but unfortunately i was born in a poor family here in brasil, so I grew up being told that i should look at it like a distant dream, however lots of things happen in my life until now, i will not talk about each one of it couse it woulg be long and boring, but this thinkgs make me look at the world diferently, yeah of course i'm not now as poor as i was when child but, as a college student without job or a rich family i'm not the tipical person you would bet that would be able to make a 3 months travel to japan (I'm from Brazil) but it was exacly what i did last year, it was my first travel abroad and you know what ? i spent less then 1500 dollars, it was really amazing, even now people still don't belive how i was able to do this sort of thing.

but my point is we must to spread this kind of talking among people, i feel like some just need s litte incentive to go after their dreams .

Maybe i should take some hours of my day to sit here and write about this amazing experience that i had.

Thank you for the Insight!

That is so cool that you pointed out that you can live on $50 a month in Cambodia. People could drop everything and move there and retire there right now. There's also amazing culture and food there and like you said most of these countries are very safe and friendly.

Maybe I'm not in a position to speak, since my personal circumstances are just survivorship bias, but back in the 70's I took a lot of risks with my band. Nobody thought we were gonna be anything, got crap growing up my whole life because I didn't take the safe road, and it became something beyond what I ever thought it would be.

There's a lot of people I know along the way though that don't make it - but just the virtue of trying to succeed is commendable as all hell. Maybe it becomes nothing, or maybe it can become bigger than you ever imagine. This can be anything from following your passion, starting a business, moving somewhere you don't know about.

I totally agree! I've been working hard diving head long into crypto and it's many uses. Thank you for the wonderful content and information that has been so helpful on my path.

Great video, watched last night.

I literally quit my job a year ago and I could not be any happier, when you start to wonder what you're chasing and what you're looking forward to, thats when it's time to make some change. Some people work the same job for years and they get so tired of it , but still continue. ONE MUST TAKE ACTION

Cool what are you doing for money at the moment? I quit my job about four years ago and started freelancing, I like the flexibility.

Thanks for this video. This and the rest of your cintent have added a great deal of fuel to my fire.
As an American I can feel this burning desire to leave. And now. Ive had this feeling for years. I think I am finally able to escape the empire. I have no desire to continue participating in this system. Thanks for the inspiration.

It is inspiring to see you so much healthier and happier since you changed your eating habits.

Living the American Dream hahaha

A train, a truck, a trawler...a path less traveled is something the vast majority avoid at all cost. But why?

I have a theory, it's nothing new or earth shattering. Marshall McLuhan said "the medium is the message" ... I say the media are the mindscapers. The ability to think for oneself is a thing of ridicule and scorn. Peer pressure is no longer something to avoid but to embrace.

I fear for those who will be under the control of those who become the elected to make the laws of just a generation or two from now. Intolerance has become the new normal.

I say get/make yourself your own drum...beat hell out of it...and to heck with what anyone who has a problem with it thinks. Take pride in individuality...not conformity...within reason of course.

Frank Zappa said... "without non-conformity there can be no progress" I couldn't agree with him or you @jeffberwick more.

~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~

Thanks for inspiring people, I like people like you, you are doing a good thing ☺

saw this one! all the good with your workout and your cute dogs ;) will follow you, could you please have a look at my last post about blockchain revolution?

Thats very true, Nice article!

Not really....I joined 2 weeks ago...posted 4 blogs...then steemit has not allowed me to post a new story at all for 5 days now....no tech support for days as to even why this is happening....and NOBODY really cares about anything of quality aside fro photos and travel stuff....and digital coins and steemit posts.....so the quality of articles is not that high, and the other topics do not make many money.....

Are you from the US? How can you get away from the State and the Central Bank if you're taxed no matter where you live?

No, luckily I am not American. There are still ways to do it even if you are unfortunate enough to have US citizenship though.

If you want to get the tax credit which is up to 100,000usd you can do that, but if you want to just get your earning on a corporate account thats easier, but as an American you need to own less than 10% and not be the ultimate beneficiary, thats another way, that works if your a consultant.

or you can renounce but i woulnt do that unless your really wealthy, just get a second residency/passport in a low or no tax haven,or use the crypto currency or gold for certain transfers.

Borderedge, I live where taxes arent really collected,(central america) I also travel quite a bit in the region,with a second passport its reallly easy to stay off the radar if you want.

How is the internet connections there? Cell phone with hotspot? I read the other day that it's really dangerous there currently, but I'm looking at making a major changes on my end.


If you're REALLY looking to get away, you could take up citizenship in your new country an denounce your previous USA citizenship. An extreme option for sure but an option!

There is dual citizenship. Maybe I will become a citizen of Texas and the US. I hear that Texas is trying hard to succeed from the Union. I understand that their agreement to join the Union was predicated on the option of also leaving it if they chose to do so in the future.

Dual citizenship would mean paying double taxes. And Texas has been "trying" to leave ever since they joined. It'll never happen.

Your right about paying more taxes even in Texas.
Can I borrow your crystal ball.

If you're in the USA you'll probably pay lower taxes if you move to Texas; there's no state income tax there!

Rent or property taxes will take a big chunk of your cash in the big cities here in TX.

I'm Italian by the way. The only reason I'm keeping my passport is my ancestors are all Italian and it's one of the highest on the Passport Index. Anyway, do you tend to live where there are lower taxes or just where you feel free to roam? what are your criteria for an ideal place where to work and live?

i want to quit my job but things will not be easy after quiting my yes they seems to be in trouble with steem dollar , even my 5 sbds is not deposited in my poloniex account its almost 4 days, and they have not credited it yet , lets hope they make things working yes they seems to be in trouble with steem dollar , even my 5 sbds is not deposited in my poloniex account its almost 4 days, and they have not credited it yet , lets hope they make things working again

I truly admire your willingness to take risks (upvoted and resteemed)

I agree with you but can't do that in reality. So I just do that virtually.

Great post, thanks for sharing with all us Steemians. Upvoted and following you.

So if we get back to Kerouac and the 50's they might lead us to the 60's again?

Followed/upvoted/appreciated. I follow these guys on instagram. Really cool what you can do with your life if you choose to!


Well said. All good things start from a risk. The larger the risk the far greater the positive outcome at the end.

Here is a train for you:


I doubt they have internet ;-)

Thanks to steemit for bringing people this close, Jeff with this video; you're like very close to me, glad seeing a simplified Jeff, I love your amazing pets.

Good points from your walk-out talk, the simple things of life are almost free but yet people love being enslaved for no just cause. I have respect for you @jeffberwick. Love from @maxdevalue

Been out of work since Oct 2016. Just got to take a chance on things and step out of your comfort zone. Awesome post! Thanks.

I fancy doing just that once I have settled a little in my new house and before I set up my Spiritual Glamping retreat. I would like to see where life takes me for a bit and do some exploring.🕉😍

You sir are truly the dog wispier! BEN!

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