Paving The Way To Success on #steemit

in #life8 years ago (edited)


"A Beaten Man"

As I sit here to write this at 1:54 a.m. on a Wednesday morning, I can't help but think of what my husband often says. He can often be heard mumbling "Another day paving the way to others success" at the end of hard day at work. Up until now I mostly rolled my eyes as I had heard him say it so many times before in our #life together. Often times he would look battered, beaten, exhausted and ready to give up when he would say it.

I just took it as him complaining about another hard day at work. You see, he works road construction paving roads. He works hard, does an amazing job taking care of me and our two boys. I know most days he leaves work feeling unappreciated by the general public as a construction worker building roads, he sees the disgust in the eyes of the passerby's as they are inconvenienced by him and his crew trying to fix that rough road so many have been driving on for so long.

Sometimes worse are those who are so impatient they make sure they see that they have a middle appendage attached to their hand. He's been honked at, garbage tossed at, cussed at and just about everything else a person disgusted with you might do. But you know what, every day he still goes and continues to pave the way for those people to be successful in wherever they might be going in their life at that moment.

What the hell does this have to do with steemit ....

Right about now you are probably thinking to yourself "Jen, are you batshit crazy or something? What does this have to do with Steemit?" It got me thinking of how similar Steemit is to my husband and what he does every day.


#Steemit has the possibility to pave the way for many people's future in several ways. From investors to content creators, everyone here has paved roads sitting in front of them waiting to venture down on Steemit. It is how you decide to drive down those roads that will determine our success on this platform, and you might as well accept the fact there will be a few bumps in the road.

Are you going to take the road less traveled? Or are you going to play it cool and safe? I think Steemit is a platform that has been built for all kinds of people, especially those who strive to become better at what they do. If what you did today on Steemit didn't work, try again harder tomorrow. After all, Steemit allows you to do just that!

So can Steemit pave your way to success? I believe it can for anyone willing to put in the time and effort.

I realize this is no stellar written thesis on some topic you might hear on the Big Bang Theory, but it is a heartfelt public message from yours truly. I can understand if you don't find this worthy of an upvote, but I ask you to think, slow down and respect those hard working men and women building roads so we can successfully find our way to our destinations.

❣ Jen ❣

My Introduction Post to Steemit!

Verification Post


My Recipes

How To Make Homemade Fresh Mango Salsa

BBQ Mango Pulled Pork with Slaw

Simple Green Mango Smoothie


How To Cut a Mango Like a Pro

A Travelers Guide to Filipino Food

Disclaimer: All photos of my recipes are originals and are ©. They are currently taken with a LG V10 (I know I need a serious upgrade, but the V10 does the job for now)

For this post, my husband asked I didn't use pictures of his work, out of respect for privacy of the company he works for, so I used a few free stock photos found at