I catch myself falling into going back and forth with getting stressed over the amount of homework and angry at my son vs. reminding myself to be chill about it. I can tell it stresses him out. I wish that my two kids could come home and enjoy their evening. I wish I could enjoy my evening. There are some that solely consist of homework, dinner, and then bed.
I reminded myself once again tonight that I think school should be at school. That I don't appreciate them sending so much home that it takes away from our family time.
I told myself tonight that I will let the natural consequences fall for either complete or incomplete homework... I'm done letting it ruin our evenings.
I'm finding that many teachers don't like homework either but parents get upset when the kids don't bring it home.
My daughter is in Kindergarten and easily has a dozen homework assignments during the week. This is because of parents!!! And some parents think they should have more. Luckily this teacher has a do it or don't do it attitude and understands that there isn't always time for it or that it shouldn't always take priority.
I believe many parents of elementary children are just giving homework a 10 to 15 min time block and thats it with the exception of kinder and 1st grade. They are just too young to force to sit through more work. I can see the importance of reading to our children and encouraging our older elementary children to read but making our children stressed doesnt make any sense!
Too, let us be able to sit down and enjoy reading to them and teaching as we go. It's all become a have to. It is stressful for all involved. Especially the little ones that have just finished a long day of learning. Their minds need mental breaks just like ours do. I think too many adults forget what it was like to be a kid.