How do you usually deal with anger? Do you have any control over it or it's just a part of your personality and you let ot "flow"?

in #life7 years ago

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I think anger is a natural response to certain situations. So in that sense, I do believe that it is a part of everyone’s personality.

However, I tend to feel that unbridled anger is unhealthy and a symptom of deeper emotional troubles.

While I’m nowhere near perfect I’m dealing with my anger, I do have a few tactics I use to help me stay in control of it.

1. Physical activity

I find that going for a walk helps to calm me down and think about the situation more objectively. It gives me some fresh air and some physical space from whatever is causing the issue, and that helps.

2. Playing Devil’s Advocate (I think I’m using that phrase correctly...?)

Sometimes I try to intentionally defend the other person’s point of view or their actions. I don’t ever actually condone them, but this exercise forces me to consider their situation and can help to offer an explanation for their behavior, if not an excuse for it.

**3. Apologizing

This mostly goes for interpersonal issues that cause anger, but taking a moment to eat some humble pie and apologize helps me calm down. I won’t ever apologize for things I didn’t do, but I always try to apologize for anything I did to contribute to the situation, or that may have been perceived incorrectly.

There’s probably a few other things that I use, but that’s what comes to mind at the moment.

Hope this helps!


I like your attitude toward anger which helps to reduce toxic elements of the situation. By the way, try adding some pictures for your words to stand out. They are too solid too be forgotten. Try drawing too for illustrations. They always stand out.

And probably post on Steemit first and on other sites later because Cheetah can catch duplicate content.

Thanks for the advice @organduo! I will definitely be adding some pictures to my text, just haven’t had much time to yet :/

This post was actually a response to a question on that was shared to my Steem blog...I guess I didn’t realize that sharing it could cause an issue. I’m rather new here :/ thanks for the heads up though!

No, it's not a real problem, but there is this bot @cheetah which detects a duplicate content. It actually upvotes your post and leaves a comment. But some people hesitate to upvote a post which was detected by cheetah. It shouldn't be any problem because you are the author of the post on and Steemit but you can reverse the process. Grab the question from, write an answer on Steemit and later publish it on