I am always looking for new ways to improve myself and develop my skillset.
I frequently find more than one thing at a time that I want to implement or improve.
And sadly, I have the terrible habit of trying to do too much.
While I do have a system for implementing new habits, which I cover in this linked post, it is still definitely possible for me to bite off more than I can chew. This can lead to frustration, burnout, and ultimately giving up.
I am finding simplicity to be key.
Rather than trying to implement 10 new things in my life, I'm working hard to identify which 3-5 habits will serve as 'keystones' that provide a trickle-down effect in my life. This trickle-down effect translates into adopting additional beneficial habits without really thinking about it, improving my overall mindset, and things of that nature.
Right now my keystone habits are as follows:
- Meditation
- Reading or listening to audiobooks
- Spending just a few minutes tidying up my living space
- Reading a small portion of the Bible daily
- Keeping a very simple journal that includes three things I'm grateful for, and then a few sentences about the events of the day, or what I am currently thinking about
Your keystone habits will probably look totally different from mine, but that's okay.
I'm finding that keeping as many things in my life as simple as possible, everything becomes just a little bit easier.
I am more consistent with my efforts at improving myself, I'm less frustrated, I'm more creative and I have a better outlook.
What keystone habits do you have that trigger additional good behaviors?
Writing down three things you are grateful for is a wonderful idea, it keeps you focused on the good in your life.
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@jgrantf, I gave you a vote!Enjoy some !popcorn courtesy of @nextgencrypto!