Whats this life for? Whats your purpose?

in #life7 years ago

Image Credit: Photo by Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels https://www.pexels.com/photo/activity-adult-adventure-analog-camera-346807/

How to live happy?

This is something I've struggled with over the past 3-4 years and I'm sure that many people that will read this are falling into a couple stages that I've been running into as well.

Quick Note: We will not get into depression here, even though that is a big part of this. I'm not sure that at this moment I'd do it justice.

1) Something feels missing but not sure - Do you find yourself looking for something meaningful? Do your video games, movies, books, or daily work feel less fulfilling? I've been here, its a good sign that you need a change. This has been me off and on for the past few years.

2) Failed attempts at new ventures - Do you find yourself trying something new, just to fall out of it and lose interest? Did you start making videos, writing, learning coding, or something like that but stop before "making it"? This is another good sign, and where I've fell for the last 2 or so years.

The big question is...

WTF do I do from here?

I'm starting by looking at my passions, what makes me happy, and what makes me feel the most free. In my case, traveling, writing, and learning make me feel the most free. In your case, it could be helping animals, reading, making videos, designing, or really any thing in life.

How do I get to a point where I'm happy with where I'm at on a day-to-day basis?

This is the biggest struggle. What do you do? Do you have the money to run off and work on your passion? Great! 99% of us don't so how do we make it?


A lot can be learned from others that have succeeded in what they love. In almost all of these, hustle is the driving force. You have to persevere to do what you want. Do you think that 50 Cent, Eminem, Michael Jordan, Jay-Z, or many others that aren't coming to mind right now got there by stopping short? Did they just "get lucky"....no. They worked hard, overcame adversity, persevered, and didn't give up all the way through hitting their goal.

Here is a good article to read more (happens to be the #1 result on Google when you search "What is life for"): What Is the Purpose of Life? 7 Signs You’re Not Living It

What are your thoughts on this?