Men say „I’ve been friendzoned“ with such disdain. As if being my friend is the worst thing that can happen.
Let me tell you the worst thing that can happen: I meet you, I find you physically attractive and I’m drunk and horny so I fuck you, I leave never to be seen again because I don’t give two shits about you, because you’re uninteresting and kind of a dusche.
You want to know why that’s worse than getting “friend Zoned” ? Because my friendship is a fucking precious gift you asshole.
Yes, of course it sucks not being wanted the same way you want the other person, but don’t shit on the gift of friendship because your fucking pride is hurt. As if having my body is worth more than having my loyalty, my trust and a piece of my heart.
Ever thought about that?
You know what else you’re missing out on with that Self-suffering idiotic attitude?
A damn good friend.
The kind of friend whom you can call at 4am when you wake up disoriented in some hospital, not knowing where the fuck you are and and what happened, having just had your stomach pumped out, being stared at judgingly by every nurse although you KNOW you didn’t drink too much so someone must have drugged you, and no matter if I’m having the time of my life at a party or am lying in bed sleeping, when you call I will drop everything and come pick you up no questions asked.
The kind of friend whom you can say „let’s fly to Munich to watch the same musical twice in a row and wait at the stage door for the actors“ and I will say „awesome, when?“
The kind of friend who goes to a gig with you and when you half jokingly write me at 3am when we’re both home drunk from a night out „let’s take a train and follow them and go to the next gig too“, I go check train schedules and go on a 9hr hungover train ride with you after not having slept a wink.
The kind of friend who pays for you to get a professional acting reel shot, because I can’t stand the thought of you wasting 6 more months working in a shitty bar before you can afford to do it, because I believe in your dream, your talent and skill, and calls it your Birthday-Christmas gift, not wanting you to pay me back ever.
The kind of friend who spontaneously comes on a 10hr train ride with you to be with you when you go though an entry examination test for a school you want to go to and you realised last minute that you don’t want to do it alone.
The kind of friend you can call at any stupid hour of the day or night or in the middle of work and if you say you need me I will drop everything and be there for you, even if I can only do so over the phone because you’re halfway across the world from me.
The kind of friend you can drag to a concert, the cinema, a play, a musical, an opera, a gallery, a museum, an exhibition, a ball, an arcade, a theme parc, a circus, a roadtrip, bungee-jumping, ice skating, Minigolf, the pool, a sport event of your choice, a stroll around the park or ice cream around the corner and I’ll be equally as excited. I’d probably even go to a strip club. Actually can we please go to a strip club? I’ve never been to a stripclub.
The kind of friend who’s basically up for pretty much anything (most of the time).
The kind of friend who without being asked gives you the money you need (forces you to accept it) to apply for permanent residency in Canada simply because you were mentioning you couldn’t afford it atm and it sucked because it would delay everything, trusting without question that you’ll give it back whenever you can.
The kind of friend who will get to know your body language cues in the shortest time because being observant is part of my job and I’ll creep you out a little by always knowing when something is wrong and tickling it out of you. But you always feel better afterward because you got to rant it out.
The kind of friend you can tell about crazy fucked up shit in your life and I’ll listen and go chew through it with you, as many times as you need, and never betray your confidence.
The kind of friend who’ll give it to you straight and not smear your mouth with honey, who will tell you you look like shit and you’re full of crap and have food stuck in your teeth in the same breath in which I tell you I love you.
The kind of friend who gets excited about something because you’re excited about it, and will listen to you geek out about the things you love, simply because you love them, even if my own interest in them was only marginal to non-existent to date.
The kind of friend who always knows when you need a hug but don’t want to talk about why yet. And I don’t give a shit if you’re not a hugger. But I will never press you to talk if I can feel you’re not ready.
The kind of friend you will meet up with in some weird unexpected place in the world after not seeing them for 4 years, and have the best, most hilarious day, and talk as if we’d seen each other yesterday and then suddenly you’ll realise we’ve known each other for 20 years, and you’ll know in that moment I’ll still be there 20 more years down the line no matter how long we lose contact inbetween.
And if you haven’t figured that out despite claiming to „like me“ and suffer at being „friendzoned“ then you’re a fucking idiot and not worthy of being in it in the first place.
preach! omg jill, you are so right and you hit the nail on the head! i am so with you~ also this is a GLORIOUS post, and full with truth * ___ *
.... also you are an amazing friend like wtf i need to up my friend game
also you are beautiful and strong and amazing and i am lucky to have come across your path in this life <3
awww schweetypie!
I love you~~~!
and I'm sure you're an excellent friend ;)
A lot of these are exceptional occurrences, I mean I don'z go picking up people from the hospital at stupid o clock in the morning every day XD
Amen @jillustrations! I have been thinking a lot about this recently, that's so funny you post this! I see things on my facebook people post about "Girls always pick jerks over nice guys." And I did have a great male friend growing up that has mentioned they wanted to be more than friends and that just wasn't for me. Granted, I did end up with MANY jerks until finally at this point have found someone that is right for me (we're getting married actually! Yikes lol) but you know where my male friend is? No where, any time I was dating someone, he just didn't really want to talk to me, and when HE was dating someone, he DEFINITELY did not want to talk to me.
I always had in the back of my head that I was dating people that turned out to be jerks for karma's sake of not taking a chance and dating my good friend. And I'll be honest, thinking about it, HE was actually a jerk, and thinking about it, most nice guys are nice until you start dating them, ya know.
I have had some actual male friends but for real, that mentality is so annoying. I remember being literally stalked by a guy and I had confided in my male friend, and he was like, "That's horrible." But my female friend, who's like an amazon she's huge haha, she saw my stalker out in public and ripped him a new one and I never heard from my stalker again... To me that's a real friend, so, he wasn't much of friend actually.
Yea, I think it's such a stigma that men can get away with saying "Oh I've been freindzoned, how rude." Instead of people saying, "Wow, you won't be her friend just because she's not interested in you? How rude." It should be that way, not the way it is. I mean, to even give them the opportunity to still be in your life...not only that the friendship even YOU are offering sounds like something people would fight for! Lol That's even more than what some people's family are willing to do for their loved ones.
It's not a "Friendzone" It's a friend, guys need to get that straight instead of making it a derogatory term.
So true.
first of all: CONGRATS! ♡ ♡
Yes.. it's a big problem actually, this thinking that women owe guys something.
I've, in general been lucky I think, with my male friends because I do have a few that I know would absolutely rip a stalker a new one on my behalf XD
But I hear ya... Sadly, I can't even blame a lot of them, it starts in the way boys and girls are brought up, the values they are tought, and sadly, we still have a looong way to go before we come even close to making a dent in "male privilege" :/
Reading this gave me chills, broke my heart and had me cheering you on.
Aww thank you ~ ♡
It's ok, I'm good, it's just a huge pet peeve of mine when (some) guys don't seem to understand the concept that being friends with a woman can be as rewarding, if not more, than getting into her pants.
There's many great guys who absolutely don't think like this but theres a sadly large amount who do.
And it just pisses me off to no end. so the rant needed out LOL
Your rant was well deserved. This issue definitely falls to both gender. People just suck. My struggle used to be friends who would ‘reserve’ a girlfriend spot for me without even asking if I was interested. Then loneliness would strike and they’d automatically treat me like a girlfriend versus a friend. So weird.
ugh. entitled fuckers. not cool.
Reading this made me think I need to up my friend game.
hahahahaha! Not such a bad thing ;P
Most of these are specific, exceptional occasions tho, don't think I go round doing that stuff constantly XD haha
Though I suppose I am a tad more spontaneous than the average person I think. Kind of a chameleon bring-along-to-anything friend. haha!
Mike drop! I love this so much. BEing your friend is a privilege.
I hope this was the same guy/gal! Sounds more like a superhero than a real person: D
What about the kind of friend that you can love and hate at the same time, but can never feel indifferent about because you that what you love about them is also what you hate about them (but you are grateful that they won't change no matter what)?
Awww haha thank you XD <3
Well, it's all examples of stuff I did with/for various of my closer friends over the years. ;)
Obviously I don't necessarily go to extremes for people I've just met but if one takes the time to get to know me and become a true friend, there's not much I wouldn't do for them. ;D
about hate-love friends.. hmmm
I don't really have that. If I dislike someone, I will not hang around them. and I don't think I can truly "hate" and love at the same time.
I can love someone who frustrates the shit out of me, yes, or who's a really difficult person and drives me insane with their antics, but I'll still never "hate" them, if I love them.
But I suppose that's just a question of how you define "hate" hahaha
I also don't think I have a friend where the thing I love about them is also the thing I hate about them. hmm curious. never thought about that haha
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People who believe the friendzone is a bad place are just too emotionally immature to accept that they can be romantically rejected and that's ok. Loveeed your post❤
Word, sister.
And thank you so much, means a lot to me ♡
Unfortunately we are human, and in the end we always feel attraction. It has happened to me that I think of someone friend, and I do not like it, always attracting me, because yes. More than split friendly and loving relationships, I believe that a single line, love, and it does not seem fair to limit it with the word "friend" is what it is, whatever it is called.
I do not know if this brings something to what you said, but hey, I wanted to share: D
It's a pity you lost that friend (if you were referring to someone specific)
It's understandable to want distance if you can't be near a person whom you have feelings for but who only sees you as a friend. That is completely understandable and I totally and absolutely respect that, and you absolutely should take care of your heart, first and foremost.
But you can be an adult about it, have a calm conversation with the person, explain, and then take your distance until you are well and truly over them.
I have re-connected with more than one person over the years whom I had to break contact with for a good while (often years) either for their or for my sake, and one of them in particular is now one of my best friends in the whole world.
He recently flew from London to Vienna over the weekend, especially for my 30th Birthday. I love him with my whole heart, and he means more to me than a lot of people I had a "romantic" relationship with. And I know it's the same the other way around.
Interestingly, the fact that one of us was in unrequited love with the other at some point, and that we worked through it, with tears and pain, yes, but we worked through it, with conversations and then deciding to break contact for a while, until finally re-connecting about a year later, makes us more intimate friends than I am with a lot of other men.
I don't think we would have quite the friendship we have, if we hadn't had that history.
And this man is such a precious gift to me, I would not have wanted it any other way if I could, despite the uncomfortable and painful period we went through for a while.
It's all about the maturity whith which you both approach a situation like that.
But men who act jilted and betrayed and like entitled, pouting little children when a woman refuses to give them romantic affection but offers her friendship, and do not see the opportunity and gift she's offering by extending her friendship are victims of a society that teaches their boys wrong values in my opinion. Reacting with a temper tantrum when you don't get what you want is not only laughable and childish but a direct expression of a society in which it is acceptable behaviour for men to act like women owe them something, by reacting angry when they are refused something which they deem their right.
The truth is, it is NOT, and never will be, their right. And the sooner we start teaching our boys how to act like a man instead of a spoiled temper tantrum throwing brat, the better. For men and women.
Act like a man, not like a spoiled child, and I for one, will never forget that.
Even if you disappear for a while.
And if you want to reconnect after years of taking distance for your own piece of mind, I will be absolutely delighted to welcome you back into my life.
Act like a brat and a victim of misogynist bigotry, and I will also never forget...
Dear Jill, thank you for taking the time to answer me and everyone. I appreciate
And thank you for specifying your case in particular. Yes, I agree with you, with affection, with tranquility, with respect we can say anything. as adults that we are. acting instinctively, letting you be driven by the impulse is of animals. unfortunately he did what he did and there is no turning back.
I'm glad for the first boy you mentioned, that you have a true love relationship beyond sex, that's what I meant :) After all, time goes by and love and good feelings prevail.
The problem is society. Your post was aptly titled: "A Rant". Because truly, no matter how much rants go on about the actual use of the friendzone, they still wouldn't be enough to remove the stigma attached to it. it's sad, I know.
thank you! :)