My Life story (handicap, cancer, death to much for my short life)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

My lifestory,

I am born on the 07/31/1987 in the Netherlands, I am living al my life in a small town called Katwijk,

My first few years on this earth were already crazy.
My parents divorced on my 2/3 year dont know allot of it.
When i was 5 years of age my mother was in the hospital because she had breast cancer on a verry advanged stage. I can still remember one day that we stapt in to her hospital room, i saw her with no hair, she was bold because of the chemo. She died also in this year, she was around 35 years. (RIP)

The next few years went pretty normal i was a child, playing outside with friends. I was small for my age and i had red hair.
Around when i was 10 i was getting bigger and stronger.
So when people were calling my names ore using cancer badly, i would beat up the person out of frustration.

When i was 11 years of age i had henoch schonlein, “a disease of the skin and other organs that most commonly affects children. In the skin, the disease causes palpable purpura (small hemorrhages); often with joint and abdominal pain. With kidney involvement, there may be a loss of small amounts of blood and protein in the urine, but this usually goes unnoticed; in a small proportion of cases, the kidney involvement proceeds to chronic kidney disease. HSP is often preceded by an infection, such as pharyngitis”.

When i was around 13 i was getting the first symptoms of Narcolepsy.
I was falling a sleep at school, when i got home i went to do my homework on my bed but that was only for a short time because i would fall a sleep.
I had cataplexy attacks when i was having a good laugh ore when i was getting mad ( to much emotion was bad, because my muscles stopt working at the moment)
So i was on the ground allot and you could see it on my face my mouth was falling open and my tongue out.
When i told this to my dad hy said "jimmy you are just lazy".
I told this to my hospital docter and he wanted me to do some tests ( so you can read in the info tests)
after these tests i was clear i had Narcolepsy.
I was sleeping allot and testing all kind of medicene, but i was also going to school but that was all going good.
The docter asked me if i wanted to do tests to find out more for Narcolepsy, and i am doing this because i hope in the future people can get better help.

When i was in my last year of school, i was getting home and stapt in the door and saw my sister and my dad crying, and i had already a bad feeling when i was getting home.
When i was inside my dad asked my to sit down, and he told me,that he had cancer. my world ended at that moment.
I had to go on sayed my dad because he was getting chemo, but after better examening the cancer, they told him he could not be saved, he had tumors in his brain, longs so the stopped the chemo.
My dad died on the second day of christmas in 2003 and he was buried on 31 of december (RIP).
So my last year of my highschool was Fucked up, but i still got my diploma after al this and al that sleep.

When i was 18 i wanted to get my driverlicense but i didn`t get it because of Narcolepsy, i was fighting for it and ask about tests and medicenes.
After a few years i finnaly they aproved that i could do the tests, i passed all the tests.

At the moment i am 25 years old, and i am a person with a handicap because no normal boss want to hire me to work for him, he is scared that i cant do the job and fall a sleep at the job. I work at the moment at a agency where handicaped people work, but thats no fun because its work like doing the most simple things there are. I am almost the most normal person at my job (after the people how are the boss of the agency) al the other people are mental/physical handicaped so they cant do a normal job.
I can do allot of jobs if the let me try it, i can learn as a normal person and the job as a normal person,
i have only to be busy and i wont fall a sleep,
So i am working for minimum pay, so i am coming short every month, because i cant go to my parents. But i am lucky that i have a stephmom how helps me out every month.

But for the rest i am living the same life as every 25 years old guy,
going out with friends, going after woman, watching movies playing games.
I dont take my medicene only when i need it like driving ore a job interview.
Only you can see that i have Narcolepsy when i am sitting down and i am bored than i will fall a sleep.

Made in 2012.
At the moment i found a boss, where i work for 4 years now.
I`m verry happy at the moment, but the pay is not to good, so looking for another way to earn more.