I think that Korea is fighting the # 1 with venezuela as far as dirty politicians are concerned, I will never understand why a small group of people always want to fuck the majority
I think that Korea is fighting the # 1 with venezuela as far as dirty politicians are concerned, I will never understand why a small group of people always want to fuck the majority
i'm pretty sure you're close! i don't think they think about the majority. or whether they think at all. they're simply greedy (which is human nature). wherever you have human beings you have big liabilities and risks, so it's understandable. but i dunno why korea and venezuela are the worst cases. at least i know this. here, people generally pick between the 2. work for samsung to be a slave, or worship politicians and hope for the best. for me, i take my chances at being indie so i'm a complete outlier, a sore loser.
I agree with everything you say my buddy I think that between the 2 options you have to choose to be indie is the best. I like your attitude dude, I'm sure you will be better and as you say you are not a slave or dragged to the government