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RE: Perspective

in #life6 years ago

Well said Sir!!! People have a hard time putting themselves into other people’s shoes. Now attempting to grasp a concept that is opposite of what has been programmed into their mind could cause a severe migraine. I find it quite crazy how a simple difference in opinion can cause so much controversy between two people.


I love arguing, the challenge of attacking or defending a position, so I often end up playing devil's advocate. It has never ceased to amaze me how upset some people get when you disagree with or question their beliefs/opinions/positions and how unwilling they were to consider any other viewpoint besides their own. I just want to know how, other than dosing everyone with LSD, do you break down that unwillingness?

Maybe a whole lot of pot smokin’ will get people to chill. Lol

Yes, especially when it turns to violence. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and belief, and so they should be. What the hell does it really matter what someone else thinks!?!

That’s what I’m saying. “Who cares what other people think” I like to wear socks with my Birkenstock what?!?
To think that a simple disagreement on a pointless subject often causes people to resort to violence. That’s crazy!!

Socks?... with sandals?... Nnoooo!, really? Damn dude that's awesome, Wifey won't even let me ware sandals, let alone socks with them. Apparently it would be embarrassing for her... tuh. Women aye 🙄